Why do we like to give women the benefit of the doubt and say they are more complex than men?

2016-05-20 1:16 am
I personally think women are very predictable, they don't leave too much to the imagination, verbally and emotionally, in particular.

回答 (4)

2016-05-20 6:15 am
Unstable and being driven by monthly hormonal changes is NOT being complex. It's being unreliable, illogical, and even over reacting. That's far from "complex".
2016-05-20 2:18 am
depends on the person
2016-05-20 2:13 am
At one level, I totally agree with you. Then again, at that level, I think the same thing about men. People are tricky and unpredictable at the surface. What will that guy grab at the buffet table? The barbecued chicken or the barbecued spare ribs? But they're very predictable when it comes to more instinctive stuff. Which woman will that rich handsome guy marry? The fat multilingual poetess or the bikini model with a 75 IQ? So too with women.
2016-05-20 1:18 am
tbh women are nothing more than cooks and our own personal sIut's. I slap the shlt out of my girl when she gets out of place. We hardly ever fight, it's how relationships are supposed to be.

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