MEN ONLY: do you fall for the "real man" shaming tactic?

2016-05-19 9:45 pm
That women seem to (particularly on the internet) love to.use.

回答 (7)

2016-05-19 9:57 pm
Hell no!

The only woman who ever succeeded in putting my a*as in check with the "be a man" or "stop acting like a little boy" stuff is my mom. And I thank her for that. Her fierce but supportive words kept me on the right track and out of jail.

Everyone else, a shaming tactic.
2016-05-19 10:14 pm
Well, I would ask them what a real man is. Does that count as "falling" for it?

Usually this implies something about chivalry or kindness to women and what not. To which I would reply: But you're our equals. Why do I need to treat you better than anyone else because of your gender?

To which they do not take kindly.
2016-05-19 10:05 pm
Real Men™ play Real Drums™.

Other than that, no.
2016-05-19 9:58 pm
not really it's bull ****?
2016-05-20 4:05 am
a real woman will never use these shaming tactics on men

good luck
2016-05-19 11:02 pm
F' being a "real man". Honestly. What, I have to sit around tuning up the car, mow the lawn, play some football, volunteer at a soup kitchen, go to church, support the little wifey, and all that jazz? Why? So our post-traditional world can use me up and throw me away without ever even thanking me or respecting me for it? No thanks. Even if that IS being a real man, I want no part of it.

HOWEVER, that does NOT mean that I'm going to bend over backwards to be some PC feminist man who has a quota on gay friends, black friends, disabled friends, Muslim friends, etc and all the rest of that SJW BS. I'm me. I know what I have to do and what I want to do.
2016-05-19 9:51 pm
If it's on the internet nah.. but if someone you love tells you you're not a real man in person, that breaks you lol

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