general term of geometric sequence?

2016-05-19 3:31 pm
If the geometric mean of two positive numbers a and b is 10, then log a + log b =

回答 (2)

2016-05-19 3:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
log a + log b = log (ab)


當 x₁, x₂, x₃, ... , xᵢ > 0 時,
幾何平均數 Geometric Mean = (x₁ x₂ x₃ ... xᵢ)^(1/i)
i 係睇有幾多個 x

呢一題係講:而家有 2 個正數 a 同 b,而呢 2 個數嘅幾何平均數 = 10,求 log a + log b 嘅值。

其實 [ 呢一題 ] 同 Geometric Sequence 沒特別嘅關係,故可直接利用幾何平均數 ( Geometric Mean ) 嘅公式黎做

a, b > 0 的幾何平均數 = (ab)^(1/2) = 10
從而計番 ab 嘅值,再代入 log a + log b 黎搵番佢嘅值


通常幾何平均數 ( Geometric Mean ) 同等比數列 ( Geometric Sequence ) 最直接嘅關係就係

Suppose T(1) , T(2) , T(3) > 0 is a geometric sequence.

等比數列嘅特性:[ T(2) ]² = T(1) T(3)
幾何平均數 = T(2) = √[ T(1) T(3) ]



第二個網址嘅內容較為詳細 ( 但係內容係用英文黎描述 )


∵ The geometric mean of two positive numbers a and b = 10
√(ab) = 10
√(ab)² = 10²
ab = 100

log a + log b
= log (ab)
= log 100
= 2


Given that x₁, x₂, x₃, ... , xᵢ > 0

The geometric mean of x₁, x₂, x₃, ... , xᵢ
= (x₁ x₂ x₃ ... xᵢ)^(1/i)


2016-05-20 11:44 am

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