
2016-05-19 1:04 pm
(1) 為何會被徹消控制,是否警方掌握的証據中如指紋,DNA及其他証供已有結果或新進展呢?
(2) 會否此第4被告暗地裡願意透露案情給警方而獲得徹消呢?
(3) 若只是表面証供看來而被徹消,但其實有關指紋等等的報告仍在化驗中,若化驗結果亦涉及此第4被告,即相關毒品有其指紋,這被告會否又再次被捕列回在此案的嫌疑犯呢?
(4) 而這被告在此案所落的口供,若日後不願出庭作証,因指其中的一份口供不是真實情況,這樣可以嗎?証供又會成立嗎?又可以點做呢?
(5) 警方在案發當日與被捕人士即時取錄在薄仔的口供與在警局正式書面取錄的口供有出入,故兩份口供會以邊份作準呢?

回答 (1)

2016-05-19 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It is definitely a new development. However, the detail is unknown.

2. No. All deals made between a suspect and the prosecution must be disclosed if the suspect becomes the prosecution's witness.

3. Yes.

4. Possible. Unable to answer further without further information.

5. The one with the suspect's signature, i.e. the one recorded at the station.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:38:54
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