Why are the star wars original trilogy movies rated PG?

2016-05-19 2:10 am
I always thought they were PG-13 since the movies have tons of fantasy violence like space battles and ground wars. Even carrie fisher in a golden bra being a slave to a giant slug gangster still is PG, and a pig dude getting eaten alive by a rancor. Yet the force awakens is PG-13, why?

回答 (3)

2016-05-19 2:12 am
They did not have a PG-13 rating back than. They had only G, PG and R.
2016-05-19 3:33 am
PG-13 didn't come around until hmmm maybe the 80s, but have you looked at http://www.imbd.com to see if you can get the ratings reasons for the movies
2016-05-19 2:18 am
different rating system. you'll notice a lot of movies that could've been rated pg-13, but were only pg back then.

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