How to prevent getting suspended from school after getting into a fight?

2016-05-19 1:57 am
I just got into a fight in school today and I mean a physical fight and I got sent to the office for something I didn't cause and that it was self defense, I asked the assistant principal if he will right me up and get me suspended for the rest of the week and he didn't answer that, how to I prevent getting suspended from a school fight?

回答 (7)

2016-05-19 2:12 am
You CAN'T most schools follow a zero tolerance policy against fighting OR "defending" yourself. If you don't want to get suspended then you have to take the trash talk or the beat down.
2016-05-19 2:11 am
First, understand that "self defense" is not fighting back. Fighting back is fighting. Self defense is doing ONLY THE MINIMUM NEEDED to prevent harm. That means leaving the area of the fight, and if that does not work, restraint. If you;re swinging at him, it is not self defense.

With that in mind, it's really too late to do anything about any possible suspension. If you get suspended, you get suspended. Nothing you can do will stop that. If it's only for a couple days, take it like a man, and just do the time.
2016-05-19 2:01 am
You vant prevent the school from enforcing the conduct code.
2016-05-19 2:09 am
Tell the teachers it was self defense he/she was doing this and I had to do this and if they don't listen there just Idk
2016-05-19 5:09 am
Self defense: clocking a guy once so you can get away.
Not self defense: getting into a fight.

You're screwed.
2016-05-19 2:06 am
Stand up for yourself. Defend yourself. Don't worry about getting suspended.

Most schools have a policy that they automatically suspend anyone in a fight regardless of who started it. So just think of it as a couple of free days off.
2016-05-19 2:03 am
EZ dude: Don't get into school fights.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:40:12
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