What's the purpose of life?

2016-05-19 1:03 am
Go to school, work, retired and then the cycle repeats itself for our kids.
People are programmed into mordern slaves by society..
What's the purpose of life?

回答 (28)

2016-05-25 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
The purpose of such a life would be to be a successful cog in a very large machine. Let me guess..That doesn't interest you. You're seeking a bigger bang for your buck. OK You can divorce yourself from that lifestyle if you are strong enough. That would give you an interesting life perhaps even a fulfilled one, but unfortunately it wouldn't make life more important in the larger scheme of things than it is. There is nothing here that matters, including your life. Difficult to swallow isn't it. OK This is the Philosophy section so let's attack it philosophically. U may have seen a movie called "The Lovely Bones" In it, a young girl about 12 is raped and killed by a perv. Hard to rationalize this against the backdrop of a Universe with purpose. She does however. She (after death) comes to grips with her seemingly meaningless demise with a few very well chosen wise words. "for a little while I was here, and then I was gone". That's what this is all about. You're here for no particular reason and then you're gone. You can take some comfort from knowing that you are UNIQUE even though there are millions of people who are very similar to you. You can also just sit back and enjoy the short time you have. Seems like a waste of time and energy doesn't it. It's all you have. So this is what I suggest you do. After all the dream achieving and traveling around the world I have done I finally found something worth doing. In my case I save dogs. There is a lot of things out there worth saving, I just happened to choose them. I go to the pound find one that is scheduled for termination, take her, clean her up and eventually find a loving home for him. It's fun. It's not Earth shattering, but it's got teeth. Try to find something to save. Maybe someday you'll turn around and realize it was you that got saved after all. Have a nice life sweetheart.
2016-05-19 3:59 am
2016-05-20 12:32 am
Find people that make you smile, read books and watch shows/movies that make you laugh, find a past time you enjoy, be HAPPY, but most of all, don't take one second for granted because it could all be taken away in an instant, that's what I tell myself when I want to know what my purpose here is.
2016-05-19 2:25 am
The purpose of your life is whatever you want it to be, if you don't want to be trapped in this system then don't be.
2016-05-21 10:10 am
There is no known purpose of life.
2016-05-20 6:04 pm
Your life is whatever you choose to make of it. You can either let circumstances control you or you can take charge of your destiny and make something of yourself. So if you are just wasting time drifting through your life with no purpose it is your fault. But it would be wise to choose your path according to your natural abilities and skills if you are a war what these are. In order to enjoy life you must have a passion for living. In order to have a passion for living you must have something that you just can wait to wake up in the morning and start doing.No one else can tell you what that is so that you must discover yourself.
2016-05-19 2:00 pm
There are two questions here - what is the purpose of life and what should we do while we're here. Purpose? Who knows. What we should do while we're here? Find love. Love makes life fabulous. Without it life is stark.
2016-05-19 11:44 am
love and kindness.
2016-05-19 7:22 am
purpose seeking
2016-05-19 4:19 am
To ask question whenever one has any doubt and know the answers.
參考: own
2016-05-19 1:07 am
That cycle you're talking about really applies to Western countries. Other countries in Asia, Africa, and some parts of Europe have a different style that Western countries frown upon. You can be different and not follow the cycle, but it will be hard being successful in your Western world.
參考: bint falasteeni
2016-05-19 2:28 am
To get to know and serve your Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be prepared for eternity with Him. For more information, please read the New Testament. I recommend starting with the Gospel of John; then Romans.
2016-05-21 1:55 am
Go outside the box . find that special thing that is not inside the box . it'll take a life time . and still you might not find it . but it's out there .
2016-05-20 7:33 pm
I highly doubt that people who ask this kind of question know the fundamental of biology.
So. Do you even know how a single cell multiply?
2016-05-20 10:34 am
Soul assumes body and lives in the world for a desired experience.
2016-05-20 8:31 am
Find yourself. that is your talents, your weakness,etc.And live life to its full potential
2016-05-20 6:21 am
The purpose of life is to achieve all one's desires. Without life nothing can be achieved....or desired.
2016-05-20 2:53 am
The purpose of life is to devote our lifetime towards the welfare of ourselves and others.
2016-05-20 12:33 am
Too Live it the best you can.
2016-05-19 10:54 pm
If that is all you can come up with then that is a pretty golden cage for someone with almost so self-instigation.
參考: You make your fate and your destiny makes you.
2016-05-19 9:34 pm
The purpose of life is to be happy.
2016-05-19 6:13 am
Your awareness of "programming" and "mechanization man" is good. The next step for such awareness is generally awareness and appreciation of one's awareness, one's being, as inner sense, innocence, Childlike: the brief (at first) moments of joy: the beauty of a leaf, a bird, a sunset, a rose blossom, and more. In particular, the "purer image" of self resonating with such beauty is as a Zen-like change out of "programming" or "conditioning"--it is the real "red pill": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EJ9RtKgMog Related: "The Path of the Higher Self;" "Man, Master of His Destiny." It's worth noting that anger re the programming is perhaps better replaced with more harmonious action toward championing inner child. The two books noted are good for this.
2016-05-19 6:07 am
To find your personal purpose and to be the best you you can be.
2016-05-20 10:42 am
To get as much sex and money as possible.
2016-05-20 3:37 am
Don't follow the average path. Become rich run a business retire early. Get fancy toys. The possibilities are endless it is just that people choose simple lives because they don't want to take risks.
2016-05-19 9:54 pm
well...that's the reason for religion.

it gives you soulful and scientific answers. you just have to do your research well.
i thank god that i believe in religion and follow one that answers every question i have, and gives me solutions and reasons for the things that i can not have. it may sound unpleasant for you but (i can't say trust me as you dont really know me) try it! like really try hard and search for an answers and mind those atheists and tv programs and news and all their anti-everything. give your self a chance and to religion. it won't fail you as long as your doing the reasons.

im not the right person to explain it. i think you'll need to rethink everything in life. like the beginning of men.
2016-05-19 4:45 am
2016-05-19 10:03 am
Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you. Get a king James bible and believe. Read Romans chapter 5 and 8 and 10. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Read 1 John chapter 4. Read 2 Peter 3. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 1. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."- the Word of God. Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Jesus loves you. Study the Word of God.
2016-05-19 3:31 pm
I was reading an article that was talking about this exact thing. What the article did point out is that in order to understand the purpose of life we will need to how life began.

After considering the remarkable design of our brain and the rest of our body, many have concluded that a wise Creator is behind it all. (Read Psalm 139:14.) If so, then he must have made us for a reason! Learning that reason can add great meaning to our life.

God blessed the first human pair and gave them a thrilling assignment. His purpose was for them to fill the earth, make it a paradise, and live forever.— Read Genesis 1:28, 31.

God’s purpose was delayed when humans rebelled against his rule. But God did not give up on us—or his purpose. The Bible assures us that God has been working to save faithful people and that his purpose concerning the earth will be fulfilled! So God wants you to see life the way he meant it to be! (Read Psalm 37:29.) From the Bible, learn how you personally can fit into God’s purpose.
參考: JW.ORG

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