I ran out of dishwasher detergent what can I use?

2016-05-18 11:50 pm

回答 (19)

2016-05-19 1:39 am
I would run the machine without soap and go get some dishwasher detergent tomorrow.
I would put the dishes in the sink and wash them with dish washing liquid.
2016-05-19 12:41 am
Use your ability to go get more detergent.

If you're desperate, just run the machine without detergent,
but don't expect results as good as you'd get with it.
2016-05-21 5:01 am
Wash by hand. You will screw up your dishwasher if you use anything else.
2016-05-20 10:06 pm
Use the sink HOT water and a dish rag !
2016-05-20 9:50 pm
nothing. maybe ask your neighbor to lend you some?
2016-05-20 5:58 pm
You can use your legs and walk down to the nearest store and get some more dishwasher detergent.
2016-05-19 12:01 am
Well, you can't use ordinary dishwashing liquid as it produces foam, and dishwashers use non-foaming detergents. The main constituent of dishwasher detergent is caustic soda - so if you have that you could use it. It won't harm the machine and won't harm crockery or stainless steel cutlery. Failing that I'd use clothes washing powder. It's non foaming, and the machine will rinse all traces of it from your dishes.
2016-05-18 11:53 pm
You could hand wash the dishes instead. It's been done.
2017-01-14 4:33 am
Ran Out Of Dishwasher Detergent
2016-05-27 1:44 pm
just hot water.
2016-05-23 12:55 am
Joy soap
2016-05-21 5:58 pm
baking soda is a cleaning agent maybe you can try mixing some water with it. OR rinse plates, cups and spoons with water and wash them with the baking soda solution. Also, you may try putting your spoons/forks in a pot with water and some vinegar, let the water boil on the stove a bit to make them shiny (this may produce some smell due to vinegar)
OR just rinse them with water to remove and let them sit on the sink - just make sure you buy soap as soon as possible.
2016-05-21 2:08 pm
2016-05-21 7:17 am
2016-05-18 11:51 pm
buy dishwasher detergent
2016-05-19 2:41 am
vinegar and baking soda.
2016-05-18 11:52 pm
For the washing machine? Use a teaspoon of dish soap and 2table spoons of baking soda
2016-05-20 11:16 pm
2016-05-20 9:48 pm
In such case, there are a few of substitutes i.e. liquid soap, cloth detergent and shampoo.

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