Is it very easy for the average woman to jump on to the "men have it easier" bandwagon?

2016-05-18 9:37 pm
I think the fact that men have a shorter life expectancy and the male suicide rate is 5X higher, are two very CLEAR indications that men have it "harder".

回答 (11)

2016-05-18 9:47 pm
Men don't have it easier. Who the hell said that? I really wish people would put this theory to test. Cause they would find out who has it easier and who doesn't. I think women think they have it harder cause most of the reasons they have it easier is cause they have a vagina and they don't want to believe that a lot of guys are nicer to them for that simple reason. But dating they have it a hell of lot easier. Jobs, they have it easier. Okay you can't always move up and be manager. You got me there. But still show up to work, and you aren't demanding to even do all the same jobs. Just show up on time and don't complain. Men are required do a lot more. Showing up on time and not complaining doesn't even cover the basic requirements of a job for mails. Even if a woman is friends she has tons of male friends who want to get her pants but offer her rides, drinks, and simply make life easier for her. Take her out to dinner and pay. I was on a date with one girl she locked her keys in her car. A guy came in 10 minutes to get her keys out.

No woman is getting up at 10 in the morning to go get her guy friend keys out of his car. I seriously doubt it. Guys go out their way for women and women don't really return the favor.
2016-05-18 9:47 pm
no, those two examples are because we have to deal with the women nagging so damn much. If they'd only stay in the damn kitchen like they're supposed to... we'd be fine!
2016-05-18 9:45 pm
A man's life is like a quarterback on an NFL team. The quarterback has the most "influence". When things are going great the "entire world" is on his side. When things are going bad life is one big pile of bulllshit for him.

In every area of life men are judged by success or failure, not as the human being they are.
2016-05-18 9:40 pm
hmmm - try being a woman in a third world country where women are just property of men for a year and ask that question again.

in fact try being a woman anywhere for a year and then answer that question
2016-05-18 9:38 pm
Men don't get periods. Men don't have to give birth
2016-05-18 10:59 pm
I get bored with men on GS trying to prove they have it harder than the average women. It's like a "pissing" contest.
2016-05-18 10:17 pm
Yeah. I remember one time my grandmother was complaining about someone who annoyed or angered her. Before long she had gone off on a bit of a tangent, complaining about "men" because this person was a man. And of course she was saying all of this to me - a man. I have heard many women say stuff like that, and apparently they think this sort of man-bashing is justifiable. And for the most part it IS socially accepted. If a man was to say such things, we would easily brand him a sexist, but we largely give women a pass to bash men with impunity.
2016-05-18 10:00 pm
Indeed. Feminism, with it's "western women are victims" mentality, is absolutely suicidally moronic.
2016-05-19 12:07 am
Shorter life expectancy is not evidence that men have it harder. I have seen this claim made that men work themselves into an early grave. Whether working in a mine or ploughing the land, they put extra stress on their bodies and amassed injuries that caught up with them later in life.

The fact is that women have always lived longer, since records were kept and it is the same today. Yet if that were the case, you might expect the gap to be closing, as both men and women converge on the same, sedentary jobs, it is not and the difference in mortality age has remained constant throughout history.

As for suicide, research from many countries claim that more women attempt suicide than men. However women who attempt suicide tend to use nonviolent means, such as overdosing. Men often use firearms or hanging, which are more likely to result in death. So again this can hardly be used to support your claim that men have it harder.

It is not a competition, many people have a hard life, from both sexes and turning it into an attack on the opposite sex is a red herring.
2016-05-18 11:24 pm
True Blue Brit has answered for me - feminism and masculism are just a who can piss the highest competition
2016-05-18 9:50 pm
they only say that since men receive more respect than women, and they are paid less, women have to give birth, and are fully responsible, also women are judged if they get abortions, men don't have to deal with that.

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