Yahoo answers abusive people?

2016-05-18 6:45 pm
I have been browsing around, and I've found a person in particular who has made over 600 answers, majority of which so far from what I have seen, are abusive. Must I report each individual one, or is it possible to report the person instead?

回答 (2)

2016-05-18 9:53 pm
Unfortunately there is no way (that I've ever seen), to report a person's entire response output. All you can do is report individual responses or posts as abusive. I've tried to put things in the comment section that indicate that the person's entire posting history should be examined, but I have no idea if they listened or cared.
2016-05-18 6:48 pm
You could send an email to the Yahoo Answers Team and ask them to investigate. However, with recent staff cutbacks, they have not been very responsive.

Another option is the post your concerns on the Yahoo Answers suggestion board and ask for help in reporting.

Here's an example of one such post:

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