Why configuration of Solar System is not natural ?

2016-05-18 10:00 am
Why configuration of Solar System is not natural ? Why all planets and their natural satellites ( moons) are uninhabited ? Why NASA & US Govt. has such erratic policy which leads to suppression of prophecies of ancient religions and domination of patent , copyright & capitalists ?

回答 (15)

2016-05-18 10:43 am
Please remember that there are space agencies other than NASA and governments other than that of the USA.

Prophecies of ancient religions do not actually occur.
2016-05-18 10:10 am
"Why configuration of Solar System is not natural ? "

Where did you get that from? As far as anyone in science can tell it IS natural.

" Why NASA & US Govt. has such erratic policy which leads to suppression of prophecies of ancient religions "

That is also made up. NASA goes on reality. Many in Congress actually believe in long disproved Christian prophecies.

" domination of patent , copyright & capitalists ?"

WHAT THE BLEEP? That is just your own delusion. Not a bit of reality in it.

Get an education. Learn something REAL.

Ethelred Hardrede
2016-05-18 10:06 am
"Why configuration of Solar System is not natural ?"

It is!

"Why all planets and their natural satellites ( moons) are uninhabited ?"

Because they're extremely inhospitable.

"Why NASA & US Govt. has such erratic policy which leads to suppression of prophecies of ancient religions and domination of patent , copyright & capitalists ?"

That sounds like total conspiritard gibberish, but please tell us what policy you're asking about. fwiw, I've read more ludicrous prophesies than I care to think about, so I'd be a tad surprised if they're being supressed.
2016-05-18 12:39 pm
For a start , all patents are published and you can read them online, free. That includes American, Canadian and European patents, and even the Japanese ones have short summaries in English.

The US government allows greedy corporations like Disney, Elsevier and others to enforce copyright. Copyright is a nasty joke. You can get copyright on a song scribbled out in an afternoon for more than 70 years free, but a patent, which might take ten years and millions of dollars to research only lasts 20 years and the holder has to pay a fee every year.

The rest of the solar system is uninhabitable, so it is uninhabited. There is nothing unnatural about it, it has been the same way for billions of years.

NASA and the US government have buggerall to do with that. You think astronomy, space exploration and everything else were invented in the USA. The Russians beat America into orbit, they put the first man and the first woman in orbit, and landed probes on Venus and the Moon first as well. The English had the first large telescopes in the early 1800's, proved the Earth orbited the Sun in the 1700's and I bet you didn't know that the European Space Organisation owns 15% of the Hubble Space Telescope.

All religion is twaddle.
2016-05-18 10:28 am
I very much doubt if a single "ancient prophesy" has ever actually come to pass. Unless of course they are so vague, commonplace, or inevitable that they have no option: like phophesying that it will rain soon, you will stub your toe one day, or that the sun will come up tomorrow.

Why would anyone suppress anything so comical?

2016-05-18 11:40 am
You should take your medication regularly.
2016-05-19 1:37 am
1. The configuration of the solar system is natural (you don't think people made the solar system, do you).
2. We don't know that all the planets and moons are uninhabited.
3. NASA is not the only space agency on Earth, the US government is not the only government on Earth. Many countries and institutions study the solar system.
4. Prophecies are not science.
5. No idea what "domination of patent, copyright, and capitalists" means.
2016-05-18 6:17 pm
I'm stuck on the first question...
What *would* the natural configuration of the Solar System be...?
2016-05-18 3:32 pm
hmm, ..., So here are my thoughts on your questions:
1) Solar system not natural? it is a product of natural forces that have shaped it over time, therefore it is natural.

2) Why all planets and their natural satellites ( moons) are uninhabited ? - Well, as you can readily observe the universe contains the right ingredients for life and even though they are in ripe abundance in there is a very low probability for combining in just the right way create life. Our star has a limited habitable zone and there's only one planet that fits squarely in it: Earth. Guess what we're the only planet with any identified life on it. For now, it is possible that some of the icy moons and planets do have life. However, until humans go out and explore, there very little an automated probe can do. So for now, it appears there is no life within our solar system except here on Earth.

I should point out that out of 1200+ exoplanet discoveries we have have just now discovered 1 rocky planet orbiting in a star's (like our own) "habitable zone". Does it have life? we have yet to find out. It may be life is way harder to come by then we think. See the following cute video to explain this idea:
Fermi Paradox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNhhvQGsMEc

3) Why NASA & US Govt. has such erratic policy which leads to suppression of prophecies of ancient religions and domination of patent , copyright & capitalists ?

Well, ..., I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here. It seems like you rolled conspiracy theory, religious suppression, and copyright infringement all into one incoherent question. Here's the thing. There are hundreds of Amateur Astronomers searching the skies every night. We're all very well trained when it comes to looking at the sky. If we saw anything un-explainable it would go out on the Amateur groups first before it ever went to a government agency. We have no over site by world governments and we report what we see with clarity and accuracy. To infer that somehow truth is being suppressed by a government or government agency might be true if you're living in N. Korea but the rest of us are free to make any report our observations irrespective of the federal government or any agency. So, the Truth is out there and we do report it.
2016-05-18 7:27 pm
Nature built the Solar System, so it is 100% totally Natural.
We came about by a series of fortunetous accidents.
Most of us don't even own our homes.
No man owns another.
We were put here for a reason and that is to survive and prosper.
參考: Besides, it's kinda cold on Pluto.
2016-05-18 1:33 pm
Well, you know about "ancient prophecies" so they aren't being very well suppressed and NASA isn't doing it any way - Christianity did a bunch of it even though its own prophesies haven't been all that good. If you don't like patent and copyright, then suppress your ideas because there is no other protection.
2016-05-27 6:08 pm
Gonna have to ask you to rephrase your question, clarify. It is mere coincidence that only one world in the solar system is in the Goldilocks Zone, and the Goldilocks size of having an atmosphere (without being nothing BUT atmosphere).
2016-05-19 3:25 pm
It is natural (even by the definition of Nature).
2016-05-19 5:24 am
its not that its not natural its just not common.
2016-05-18 10:26 am
Hmm! I didn't design it - I'm a perfectionist like most virgos!

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