Who do you think will be the next president of the United States?

2016-05-18 2:58 am

回答 (12)

2016-05-18 2:58 am
2016-05-18 3:03 am
My boy Bernie
2016-05-18 3:00 am
Hillary Clinton
2016-05-18 3:00 am
The people that count the votes will crown Queen Hillary.
2016-05-18 3:03 am
Trump. People are sick of same old DC bs. Fresh new face and maybe DC will get a clue.
2016-05-18 2:59 am
I wish it would be me. Since it won't, i dont' care.
2016-05-18 3:35 am
Hopefully Bernie.
2016-05-18 3:30 am
Trump, the Clintons are a dastardly duo but she isn't as versatile as her phony bologna better half
2016-05-18 2:58 am
Donald Duck
2016-05-18 3:39 am
Hillary Clinton will win the election and will be the next president.
2016-05-18 3:02 am
As I usually do, I write myself in for every choice, this year I think I have a great chance.
2016-05-18 3:00 am
Sadly, it's going to be Hillary. She is very cunning and she will win.
Hopefully, she's a one term President.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:37:54
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