Help? Dogs aye a huge amount of chocolate.?

2016-05-18 2:08 am
I'm dog sitting for three dogs as well as my own, today is my boyfriends boirthday so I had my mum make him a cake it was all chocolate including toppings and all decorations, I placed it in its box on the counter out of their way, my dog doesn't ever touch food unless it's on the floor, she doesn't even steal her biscuits from an open bag on the floor, so I didn't think that when I got home, the box would be on the floor and all 4 dogs looking guilty of eating it, I'm highly pissed off because my partner didn't even get a bit but mainly I'm worried because obviously it's toxic to dogs, I don't ever feed my dog chocolate so I've no idea how this will affect her, the dogs are:
Springer spaniel
And 2 cross breeds.
The oldest is 18 and youngest 10.
No vets are currently open and if they were I couldn't get there, so far I've seen to symptoms of toxic poisoning however I know to keep an eye on them, I've been home an hour now, all are still looking guilty but so far, no major issues, any advice on what I should do?

回答 (8)

2016-05-18 2:44 pm
"I'm highly pissed off" better to be pissed off than pissed on.

Should have put it away, so they couldn't access it and supervised all the dogs constantly.

Vets are open 24/7 so there goes that excuse. Should have contacted poison control and/or a vet within two hours of discovering this, maybe too late to do anything now as their system has already absorbed the toxins, but call anyway.
2016-05-18 2:19 am
Here's the most helpful site:

Read thru the entire site. You OUGHT to take all of them to a vet. You ought to at least call a vet to determine whether to induce vomiting.
You won't immediately See all the effects. chocolate can take 12 hours to show all of its effects in dogs.
2016-05-18 2:11 am
The good news is that there isn't that much chocolate in the cake and toppings. The bad news is that there was chocolate.

Things will likely be fine.
2016-05-18 5:26 am
The average cake weighs 50 oz. An ounce of chocolate cake has approximately 24 mg of theobromine. So a 50 oz cake would have approximately 1.200 mg of theobromine. The toxicity level about 9mg per pound of dog. So you have a total of 134 pound to get to a 'mild' toxicity level. If you have 4 great danes you shouldn't have a problem BUT if you have 4 yorkies you have a very serious problem! If the dogs are all the same size and ate approximately the same amount then 134/4=35. OR if the dogs are over 35 pounds each you should have little or no problem BUT these are averages so take that into consideration also.
Good Luck!
2016-05-18 5:25 am
My dog is completely insane and she eats all sorts of household items. Our vet said that if it was absolutely necessary, you could give them a couple of tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Don't do this unless it is the last resort; this is pretty contrary to general medical advice.
2016-05-18 4:40 am
It takes a few hours for theobromine and caffeine to cause heart/breathing issues. If they were my dogs I would take all 4 of them to an emergency vet right now, but at the very least you should call an emergency vet, give them all the info on the dogs, and they can tell you what to do, like making them vomit.
2016-05-18 2:10 am
there wont be any symptoms... they will just drop dead...
2016-05-18 2:13 am
If they die, you should eat them to be closer with the animal... How intimate! Instead of letting a corpse rot in the ground, you can absorb your dog and it will be a part of you.

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