Please Answer Quick!?

2016-05-17 11:17 pm
Ok so....
I like this guy named Jesse and I just met him about a month ago and he would always say things like "I LOVE you!" and "You're my bestfriend!", ect. But the other night when i was at youth group he had come up behind/beside me and I turned around to see who it was and it was him. So when I turned around I noticed he was kinda close and instead of saying anything I just looked at him kind of thinking in my own head I guess and after a couple moments he was like "Oh, I'm sorry." At first i was confused and just said "no it's ok" but then I asked my friend what she thought he meant and that's when she said I had a resting ***** face. :( :( So when I was looking at him it probably looked to him like i was thinking "Back The F*** off." So now he hasnt said anything to me for the past week and I really want him to like me. Should I apologize? Or just act like nothing happened so he sees everything is ok? Oh and btw my two other friends also like him but one them liked him before me. The thing is, is I don't think it would be wrong to ever go out with him because when I started liking him, I didn't even know that was the person my friend had said she liked. Is this breaking girl code?

Also if I should apologize or even just say something to make sure he doesn't think i'm a B**** then what should I say? Thanks!

回答 (1)

2016-05-18 6:46 am
What is an ect?

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