My teacher is antagonizing me for no reason?

2016-05-17 8:24 pm
I'm 13 years old and in 7th Grade. I just switched to cyber school. Because of this, I have a a new teacher. I have paranoid schizophrenia and chose to share my information with the teachers and principal when I went to my psychiatrist. Somehow, I managed to get 2 weeks worth of work done in 2 days that she made me do. I emailed her with a question on the current assignment after I finished the stuff I was behind on. When she sent me an email back, she also decided to include a part about how she didn't think I would get it done like some kind of miracle. The reason why I had to do makeup work is because my mom is bipolar 1 and she had a manic phase, so I had to take care of her. I explained that there was a medical emergency and I had to take care of my mother. Then, she proceeds to give me a **** ton of work. That's ****** up, don't you think? I think she was doing this to antagonize me because I have a mental illness. All the other kids in the school have so many flaws in their work and she praises them for it. WTF? I mean, this kid literally spelled the word "the" like t-e. It is extremely hard to write a goddamn essay after a mental break. Even though I'm on medication, it is not a miracle worker. It just helps with the paranoia and depression. It doesn't help you think any. It's not like I'm getting any better with my schizophrenia because everyone keeps on antagonizing me. Answers from others with psychiatric problems would be appreciated.

回答 (4)

2016-05-17 8:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Speak with your principal. If you feel like your teacher is giving you more work than your classmates then you have a valid gripe with her. If it just looks like a lot because you've been out of school for a few weeks then that's just your problem. You have an illness and because of that you are allowed time off of school to deal with it BUT that doesn't mean you get a pass on the work..... if you want to graduate then you have to do all the same work as the other kids.... If she is sending you emails with uncalled for critical comments (like predicting you can't do it) then you absolutely need to talk to your principal about getting a different teacher and having her reprimanded.
2016-05-18 1:48 am
I guess cyber school isn't so great after all. I recommend finishing your education via correspondence school. No stress, no mean teachers -- plus you graduate early. I loved it!
2016-05-17 8:45 pm
Yes, I agree that's f***ed up, but I'm not sure what your question is.
2016-05-17 8:41 pm
Tell this about principal or just tell it to teacher or other teachers.
In every country there is some teachers who picks 1 student who he/she doesnt like and starting bullying them or making extra work and trying to tire them.
Propably the best thing would be to say it straight. If you are scared or you cant then you should send her a email.

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