How can i get my autistic son to talk?

2016-05-17 4:35 pm
He is going to be five and jabbers like a one yr old i want him to start talking. I blame his doc cuz i told them from the moment he was born something was wrong but they wrote everything off as normal or noting so now im stuck facing this on my own with no resorces. To help him he was dignosed with it at four n half. The doc said he wouldnt benefit from school wich he is supposto have started already what do i do i cant even get him to potty train it isnt clicking with him

回答 (7)

2016-05-17 5:26 pm
You are not 'stuck with no resources.' Wherever you live, there should be ample resources to help you with a developmentally disabled child. You just have to look for them and access them.

(And yes, you do need a new pediatrician if yours took 4 1/2 years to even suspect a problem in a preschooler who wasn't yet talking or using the potty.)
2016-05-17 10:53 pm
Well -- where were YOU when he was old enough for preschool or Head Start? Those schools would have offered help. Now the local public school would have also found him the appropriate placement for his schooling. YOU did not bother to go to the school and sign him up.
You are only listening to one person, when you have all along suspected something was wrong. Go to the local school. And ask what is available for your child. YOU have to actually be a parent and seek out the resources, not the doctor.
2016-05-17 4:37 pm
Find another pediatrician. There are some amazing resources, all you need to do is some research. I have a granddaughter who was diagnosed at 2 1/2 and with all the help and interventions she's received she is progressing beautifully.
2016-12-31 8:21 am
Find another pediatrician. There are some amazing resources, all you need to do is some research. I have a granddaughter who was diagnosed at 2 1/2 and with all the help and interventions she's received she is progressing beautifully.
2016-05-21 7:38 pm
I also have a 4 year old that is autistic and mostly non verbal. Who diagnosed him? Did they give you any recources? when my son was diagnosed we got a packet of paperwork and a couple pages of that was resources for OT and speech and different places for help. Are you in the states? Call your local early intervention office for the resources. You aren't stuck. There is help out there you just gotta know how to find it. While you hunt that stuff down, also check out Youtube. There's people on there that make videos of them with their children doing their own ABA therapies or OT, probably speech too. Unfortunately, some kids with autism never talk, some learn to communicate atleast a little, enough to get by, some grow up and talk really well. Levi understands way more than he says, but he has basic one word speech, sometimes he'll put two words together, and I totally get the overwhelming stress when you first find out. I'd also consider switching doctors. This guy doesn't sound like he's doing anything to help you at all, and you're going to find that not all doctors are great with these kinds of disorders. Facebook is also a great resource, you can find groups on there that are local to you for kids with special needs, and they will be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck with his speech.
2016-05-18 3:41 pm
No YOU canot blame the doctor. If you felt that the doctor wasn't giving yours son proper care and attention then YOU should have taken your son to a different doctor. YOU are the advocate for yuor son and no one else.

Autistic kids can have various "issues" not talking or potty training them are a few of them. YOU need to get in touch with some to help[ you understand what your son is and isn't capable of and that will help you do things with him at home.
2016-05-18 10:04 am

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