Should i forgive him?

2016-05-16 11:29 pm
This is the last time im gonna explain myself with that situation. I was DRUNK, completely blacked out. I dont recall any of it. Im not denying i did it, im saying i dont remember. Yea, its not an excuse, bt i didnt go out of my way SOBER trying to cheat. If those were my intentions i would of left you days ago. Its so OBVIOUS i love you because i show u all the time, more than u show me. So im so incredibly sad u went out of your way to look all of them up when i wasnt around. U stabbed me right in the heart. I dont think i can move forward because i cant trust you

回答 (5)

2016-05-16 11:42 pm
not sure about what you meant at the end, but, you seem to be beating yourself up enough over this, no reason for anyone else to. and no, you should not forgive him. being drunk is one of the most often used excuses for cheating, and one that never holds any water. you need to move on befgore you are hurt yet again. and he will hurt you, and he will cheat on you.
2016-05-16 11:38 pm
I agree I don't wNt to move foward with u let's just end this , because drunk is not a good answer , so everytime u drink u r gonna get ******
2016-05-16 11:33 pm
I`ve been drunk many many times, never cheated. your excuse sucks
2016-05-16 11:31 pm
And if you honestly loved the other person, you wouldn't have gotten drunk.
2016-05-16 11:30 pm

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