Why do we humor men by acting like they actually play any meaningful role in the decision to have a child?

2016-05-16 8:43 pm
Note: I'm simply stating the status quo, not my own personal opinion.

回答 (7)

2016-05-16 8:58 pm
There is no reason to humor men in the decision to have a child, its not their body and hence not their decision.

However, if the man didn't want to have a child but the woman went ahead with it anyways, then she shouldn't expect any financial support from him either.

Her body, her choice....her responsibility.
2016-05-16 9:24 pm
Check out the definition of Reproductive Rights.

"Reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children..." The definition uses the word couples, but do men really have an option to decide (freely) as the definition describes?

I heard a feminist say, "Men can't have their bodies and their lives ruined by a baby they never wanted." I would respond that many men have their lives ruined by a baby they never wanted. It's the whole reason why men need reproductive rights as well, in some manner. I don't know how it can be done. I don't have the solution. But, anything is better than the current situation, that is to say that "Men have no reproductive rights at all"!!

Many women are looking for the perks and benefits of parenthood without the trials and tribulations of a relationship . "Women want & have choice & privilege while giving men responsibility & slavery."

Currently, there are too many women in the world who aren't looking for a father to their child; instead they are looking for someone who can father their child (which isn't hard to find). These women aren't looking for a relationship, they want child support & alimony; basically money for having had sex, perhaps just once.
2016-05-16 9:35 pm

I'm suing you for copyright infringement.
2016-05-17 12:24 am
it does seem silly. A person would have to either A) think Disney cartoon movies are documentaries or B) just have never bothered thinking about it. Even once.
2016-05-16 9:23 pm
We say men play a meaningful role, because it is the case when a couple gets pregnant. Men are generally not completely unaware how babies are made. When they make the decision to have sex with a consenting female adult, they theoretically know that there is a risk of pregnancy (unless they were misinformed with "abstinence-only" sex-ed).. Perhaps *you* don't understand the risk, and that's fine - just don't have sex, until you are able to understand.
2016-05-17 10:53 pm
Well your a nice one aren't you princess. Men do play a role. They give life to the woman's egg, otherwise it lies dormant. The spark of life comes from the man. So I would call that a big role. I hope any future husband reads your question cause you are certainly not worthy to breed.
2016-05-16 10:25 pm
How about being brave and going against the status quote or is that scarry?

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