What are your stances on some of the issues?

2016-05-16 7:11 pm
Issues including but not limited to: Immagration, Abortion, Gun control, Foreign policy, Taxes, Gay marriage, Gender identity, Healthcare, welfare, economy, marijuana, pornography, excessive force in police and military, crime, environment, education, the NSA (government surveillance), Medicare/Social security, Government budget, and corporal punishment.

回答 (4)

2016-05-16 7:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Immigration, legal ONLY.
Abortion, illegal.
Gun control, more strict but still legal.
Taxes, less.
Gay marraige, legal.
Gender identity, legal but same sex bathrooms only.
Healthcare and welfare to those who work a certain amount or make a certain amount.
Economy, need to make it easier for small businesses.
Marijuana, medical ONLY.
Porn, all legal except under 18.
Excessive force, for the court system to decide.
Crime, no getting out of jail unless bail or paroll.
Environment, spending too much money on.
Education, private or virtual, schools take tons of tax money. It's time to modernize.
NSA, allowed to investigate anything with cause, but not see everything always.
Corporal punishment, perfect how it is now.
2016-05-16 7:31 pm
Gun control was settled with the passing of the Second Amendment

Abortion. I am personally against it. There should ba a vote and be done with it

Legal immigration is great. The difference between legal and illegal immigration is the same as the difference between a dinner guest and a burglar

Porn is free speech. I know liberals no longer like the idea but it was settled in the late 1700s
2016-05-16 7:20 pm
We're against ILLEGAL immigration, not immigration, we need to check people to make sure they're safe, and it's not racism, immigrant isn't a race. Same with guns, people should be able to have them but do a background check, have t get a license. I'd like no taxes but obviously that wont happen. I think peoples tax dollars should go to what they choose, at least for the most part. Gender identity doesn't really exist, it's a mental disorder but you can act and dress as you please, idc, just don't expect others to play along with your delusions. Weed should be legal, others should not, I'm a libertarian but I gotta draw the line, if crack and other drugs are legal it could result in anarchy. You can liter, but their should be garbage cans nearby, somebody will pick up your liter, lets be honest here. I don't believe in police, I believe people should be able to fend for themselves, people will help others, if there's a criminal in the vicinity people wont let it go unchecked. Rapists and killers get the death penalty but only if its conclusively proven to be them.
2016-05-16 7:12 pm
Try asking about issues separately.

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