I want to get a physc evaluation? Will award best answer?

2016-05-16 5:10 am
Okay Im 14 f, I have depression, ptsd from child abuse years ago, borderline schizophrenia, anxiety, bipolar, diagnosed with an eating disorder a few months ago but thats gotten better I stopped taking Zoloft for my depression but am now and have been on seroquel 100mg for a while. Ive gone nights without sleeping or getting tired if I didnt take the medication it also helps calm hearing voices. Okay so now that you know a few things, Ive gotten evaluations a few times when my mom called crisis. Ive been in four mental hospitals. Anyway, my counselor whom Ive been seeing for 4 years has taken a few months off due to having a baby! But lately Ive been off edge, Im terrified when I'm alone, I feel like I'm seriously being watched, Ive been emotional lately, hearing things, and with friends we go to a mall or anything I'm always paranoid people will try to take me. I do online school and live in a new apartment and my mom works during the day so I'm home alone pretty often unless Im with a friend who does the same school with me. I just never feel safe. Be also been unstable lately. My mom and I fight a lot verbally and sometimes it gets out of hand and it gets physical but I dont remember getting physical. I don't cause much harm but I dont want to be a danger to anyone especially my mother. One time last week I harmed myself. Im seeing my counselor Friday. But I dont want to wait to get help. Should I call Will this end me into a hospital I dont want to go back to another one?

回答 (1)

2016-05-16 11:32 am
It is odd that your counselor did not set up a refer to another counselor or just have someone that will be handling their clients in their absence. You could always contact your counselor's office or call your family doctor and get a referral to someone else.

If you feel you are in immediate danger you can always call 911 or your local emergency number. Tell the operator your story in great detail and perhaps you can get them to dispatch emergency services to your location. They can take you to the hospital for a mental health evaluation. This process will take between one to seven days. At the end of that time you will either be released to your parents or be held for further observation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:37:31
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