When did the U.S. fail to be 'great'? Trump promises to make 'America' GREAT again. Why didn't he prevent America's 'loss of' greatness?

2016-05-16 4:29 am

回答 (13)

2016-05-16 4:56 am
Ronald Reagan hit a home run with 'Make America Great Again'. The meaning was more implied that explicit. America was great when women and minorities were kept in their place, when Hispanics were only a small part of the population, when employers and schools were allowed to discriminate.

Reagan worked on a sort of false nostalgia, looking back to a time when the US was comfortable, at peace, prosperous. In the late 70s our standard of living began to decline and people missed the 1950s when it was so much easier to own a house and two cars on just a factory-worker's salary. But Reagan actually accelerated the decline in the standard of living.

When Trump comes out in his campaign announcement talking about illegal Mexican immigrants swarming across the border, how he's going to find 12 million illegals and send them back, then build a big wall to keep them out, and that's going to make America great again, you know he's appealing to nativism, xenophobia, racism, various forms of intolerance.

But the real loss of greatness is our decline from the highest standard of living in the world to around no. 14 or 15. We're still the richest country in the world, in fact in history! But our standard of living continues to decline. Like Reagan, Trump wants to Make America Great again by concentrating wealth, by continually raising -profits-, meaning that working people must be continually happy with less and less. His fans are so hot on excluding Hispanics and blacks and women that they don't see what's really been going down in this country since the late 70s.
2016-05-16 4:32 am
Obama has taken a great big steaming power dump on America
2016-05-16 5:09 am
He couldnt prevent any mistakes as he was not in government. That is the same slogan Reagan used referring to Jimmy Carter's tenure. When Trump makes comments and expresses ideas, they are usually misunderstood because he speaks off the cuff.
2016-05-16 5:00 am
KEEPING America great was Obama's job, and Obama did just that, except for a few lingering problems which were inconvenient to deal with due to committments made to apoligoze overseas.
*lingering unemployment and underemployment
* jobs leaving this country and going overseas or to Mexico
* chaos and underperformance by our schools
* failure of ciies to provide basic services
* chaos and underperformance of our schools
* allies who do not trust us
* enemies who do not fear us
* an ever growing defecit
*soaring health insurance premiums and co pays
* states being unable to pass their own laws relating to the LGBT
** demoralized military and police departments
Whoever is elected will inherit a country that is greater than it ever was, thanks to our fearless leader, Barack Chavez Obama.
2016-05-16 4:56 am
This is the thinking of the Conservatives/Republicans/rightwingers/teapartiers. It become the cry after we got a black President and as a opportunist Trump become a Republican and took up the slogan "Make America great again".
2016-05-16 4:44 am
Because America never stopped being great.
2016-05-16 4:39 am
He didn't prevent it because he wasn't the president. I mean, come on.
2016-05-16 4:39 am
America has been a clown show since Vietnam/Watergate.
2016-05-16 4:31 am
Lol. Making America "great" again is like reviving the tyrannosaurus.
2016-05-16 5:19 am
It fails to be great when the American electorate continues to elect liberal congresses and presidents. One, single man (Trump) could not have prevented it. But each single individual who voted AND THOSE who have NOT voted (by virtue of their NON-action) are responsible.

1. ALL conservatives are evil … PERIOD!
2. They know what is best for you, but exempt themselves.
3. Words equal actions.
4. If it feels good, it is right.
5. If Steven Colbert said it, it's gospel.

Republican since before she was born… and PROUD of it.
2016-05-16 4:32 am
Only when conservatives sabotaged us!

Like selling out American manufacturers!

Last thing was the war started with lies(Iraq)!

No it started when republicans screamed 'protectionism' when American workers and their employers asked for import restrictions from cheap foreign products! Which was back in the early 1980s!
2016-05-16 4:31 am
The USA have NEVER been great. And even with that dip **** in office the country will only get worse
2016-05-16 4:30 am

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