How can the legal system be so cruel?

2016-05-15 10:22 pm
I have always been close to both my parents. A few months ago my father was convicted and imprisoned for a non-violent, non-sexual offence. This will be the first time I'll be celebrating my birthday without my father. I feel so lonely. Why has the law punished me for what someone else has done? Did they think about that before they locked him up? How can I enjoy it without him there? It just won't be the same. How can people be sentenced to jail when the court knows they have families that depend on them?

回答 (10)

2016-05-16 1:00 pm
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I've been in prison. Just so you know where I'm coming from.

A LOT of the other inmates had children (I don't. I'm gay, so no surprise there!) Mostly they were in their 20s with very young children. They did the wrong thing, so they should be punished by being in prison, same as me. It just so happens that it ends up punishing the family as well by taking Dad away, but what else can we do? Should having kids get you out of the punishment you deserve? NO! So courts can't think about that when they pass sentence.

Here in the UK, prisons do try with keeping up family ties. You can visit and I've seen a lot of that in the visits hall, where there is always a play area for the very young kids. I've even seen it from the other side - I visited a friend I made in prison once after I was released and he was still there, and the visitor centre while we were waiting to go in was full of children. I felt a bit unusual that I was just me sitting reading a book to pass the time while we all waited!

In all the prisons I've been in, there were family days every 3 months for a longer visit that isn't just talking over a table, so the family can be together more normally for some hours, and the prison provides lunch. That's an earned privilege - do something wrong in the 3 months before the family day and it ain't gonna happen.

And there is Storybook Dads. No good to you, but for fathers with young children, they can read a bedtime story on to CD, and that gets sent home so the child can hear their Dad reading it.

Oh yes they try as best they can. There is even ROTL (Release On Temporary Licence) - if the prison trusts the prisoner enough for this, they can be let out for a day of family time. The trust is that he will come back to prison when he's supposed to. He certainly won't get ROTL again if he doesn't!

But yes, it can't be the same as having your father at home for your birthday. There's no way round that. Sorry, but it has to be that way so he gets punishment for what he did.

If it's any consolation, I know he will be feeling sad that he can't be with you on your birthday either.

Can I just give you a virtual BIG hug? Best wishes and have a great day, or as great as it can be without Dad there.
2016-05-15 10:25 pm
Your father is the one who should have thought about his actions and how the repercussions of those actions would affect his own family.
Do you think the law should allow offenders to roam free bcause they have a family?
Do you think theifs should be allowed to go free because they have awife or a kid?

People need to take responsibility for their own actions. You need to ask your dad why he didn think about how it would affect you to do the things he did. Hopefully you have a better head on your shoulders nad get abobe the law and lead a good life. I wish you the best in everything!!
2016-05-15 11:37 pm
Maybe dad should have thought about that when he committed the crime. It's your dad's fault, no one else's.
2016-05-15 11:29 pm
Your father evidently was the one who wasn't thinking if you, or his family when he CHOSE to commit a crime.
2016-05-15 11:25 pm
Maybe dad shouldn't have broken the law.
2016-05-15 11:24 pm
I think the question you should be asking is, why didn't your father think about all that before committing the crime?
2016-05-15 10:49 pm
Then he shouldn't do bad stuff, he knew what he was doing, he knew he had a family, he knew he was most likely to get in trouble, and he still did it. And it's not the laws fault, if that was the case then crazy murderers and rapist wouldgo around doing bad stuff then plead that they have children and wives
2016-05-15 11:09 pm
According to libtards, I think the fairest ones in the world are in the Muslim and African countries. You might have his case heard there.
2016-05-15 10:29 pm
Depends on what he did. Something like fraud, which is generally non-violent/sexual is worth being imprisoned for.

If your dad is completely innocent of the charge, then yes, that is totally cruel and there must be someone out there that can prove his innocence with facts and evidence.
2016-05-15 10:24 pm
Cause it's life , if you believe in good then you must believe in evil

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