Is the USA stronger than Rome?

2016-05-15 5:50 pm
There's a saying that Big Empires always fall, like Rome did, But can the same be said about the USA, since we're the number country in the world and the number 1 economy in the world $$$$

@Anonymous, yes I did watch a video about how the USA is close to falling, I think it's all Bullcrap

回答 (114)

2016-05-15 6:00 pm
Rome fell because of power-hungry fascists..... the original republicans. The Big Grab for power and money finally destroyed their army and society. It's exactly what the US has been doing since Reagan - Feed The Billionaires First on Trickle-Down cash until now the Billionaires can buy up the republican politicians like cheap bags of popcorn.

The United States won't "fall" exactly - but we will lose our Republic. Now the republicans are even running a Billionaire for the main spot!! Doesn't get much clearer than that.
2016-05-15 5:56 pm
It's true, we can fix problems just by printing money
2016-05-15 5:52 pm
The only reason Rome fell is because the people lost morals. Like liberals. They focused on devisions. Like liberals.
2016-05-15 5:57 pm
The US Battle Fleet would make matchsticks out of the Roman Galleys in about 10 seconds flat lol
2016-05-17 8:58 am
No USA is definitely not as strong as Rome was. In the sense of pure strength (as in military) well then the answer is yes, they have more firepower than the romans. But so do all other major global nations because times have moved on!
The Romans were so far ahead of everyone else in terms of technology and had an empire that spanned continents. The US simply does not have that, they are not that far ahead of other global powers, if any at all. While it may be fair to say that currently the US is the biggest power, this is highly debatable as although they have the biggest military and the best Hollywood actors, the basis infrastructure may not be as good as other countries such as the UK, in terms of health care, education and even the economy. Yes the economy! Even though you may not believe it, the US economy is considered to be in a state of turmoil and is highly fluctuating and just isn't as stable as other countries, or even Rome back in the day!

So to summarise, although the US may be powerful, it is not leaps and bounds ahead of other nations like Rome was, and certainly does not have an empire like Rome did, it is only one country!
2016-05-16 8:59 am
the only thing the USA is no 1 at is Boasting Failed in Iraq 19 trillion in debit China has a bigger army and the USA is still afraid of Russia

the sooner the US falls to sooner 90 of all wars end

the USA lost in Vietnam Lost in Korea Lost in 1812 no sorry comparing the USA with Rome insults Rome

the USA has failed when the WHO say 74% are Fat and 63% are Obese and many will die early because of a lack of Reasonable Priced Medical treatment the USA would rather have a Giant Killing machine than free medicare

and you believe you are No 1

at what ?
2016-05-15 6:14 pm
" since we're the number country in the world and the number 1 economy in the world $$$$"

With all due respect the USA cannot sustain itself in basics such as fresh water, electricity, oil and other energy resources... please do cluck the link, that is what the USA looked like the last time the electrical plug to Canada fell out of the wall
Given this is the History section perhaps you don't remember the USA pretty much being right screwed in the 70s when OPEC had an oil embargo against the USA

Yes the USA is an economic giant, but the world economy and US policy that is the entirely reason they HAS fiscal cliffs and state and federal governments going bankrupt.

How powerful is something.. that replies on something else for power?

"yes I did watch a video about how the USA is close to falling, I think it's all Bullcrap"

I agree, it isn't... however you are making the USA to be an island in itself, that it is not also.

"The US Battle Fleet would make matchsticks out of the Roman Galleys in about 10 seconds flat lol"

I do hope 'power' to you, unlike this person isn't solely reliant on an all-metal nuclear powered fleet being able to take out wooden hulled sailing ships that can fire cannon shells a few hundred feet.
I mean really OP, comparing the USA to the Roman Empire... nothing the USA is not an Empire, never was and cannot be. (an Empire by definition requires a sovereign, the USA doesn't have one)
2016-05-15 7:59 pm
Yes the US is MUCH stronger than Rome in relative as well as absolute terms. Unlike Rome, the US is a superpower of truly global reach, and it is in no danger of being invaded by enemies beyond its borders. Also unlike Rome the US is very inventive, constantly improving its weapons and civilian technologies. True like late republican Rome, the US is headed for a period of grave internal upheaval. Like first century BCE Rome, America's original form of government is unsuited to the role of world Leader. It will fall and new stronger government will, like Imperial Rome, prove admirably suited to its new role.
2016-05-16 11:09 am
No, USA is going to be finished because its leaders are stupid.

1) America is falling, in year 2000, The GDP of USA is almost 8 times bigger than china.
The GDP of America was 31% of the world. China was 4%.

Now China has a bigger buying power than America.

The idiot Clinton let China to join WTO.

Then China becomes the world factory.

2)If MS Clinton wins, USA will be the United States of Latinos, Since She is playing the race card.

American Future: 55 Million Latinos in U.S., One-Third Under 18
There are 55.3 million Latinos in America, nearly triple the 1980 population, and those under 18 years old are the largest group.

America will have the same future as other mixed countries, India, South Africa, Brazil.

USA wants to be a mixed country, The fact is that No even one mixed countries is good. - India, South Africa, Brazil.
2016-05-16 4:58 am
600 Billion dollars a year is thrown on the Department of Defense alone. Yes, we are stronger than Rome was. Anything we don't have, we could literally just take from another country if we decided to be *ssholes suddenly. Not that we should, or ever would, but we totally COULD.
2016-05-19 5:42 am
Trust me, the USA will crash. Do you know how far in debt the USA is...
2016-05-17 10:14 pm
Proporationally I think weve always been the weak one. Provoking people into becoming terrorists.....

its c****-like moves we make.
2016-05-17 8:09 pm
The US holds together a hegemony of all of the democracies of the modern world. The UN, the Security Council, NATO. The NAFTA trade zone. The dollar is for the moment the currency of the world. English is "the* international language.

Our net is vastly wider than Rome's. Time span is a different matter. Rome lasted a thousand years in the west then another thousand in the east (Byzantium) then another five hundred in the north (Holy Roman Empire).
2016-05-17 2:15 am
I believe we are at the same level. What we lack in salting fields and crucifying our enemies we make up with nuking entire cities and demoralizing our foes(Ahbu Ghraib). Our Nero has yet to manifest his/her teeth.
2016-05-16 1:08 pm
Naw, Times New Roman is still prevalent in the world today, cuz, you don't see no Times New USA when writing your divorce papers.
2016-05-16 1:19 am
The times are different. The only major power confronting the Romans for hundreds of years was the Parthian and Sassanian Empires, which were reincarnated Persian Empires. On the other side of the world India stretched up into Afghanistan, and China lay on the other side of the Tarim Basin. Neither civilization was a rival, and average Romans knew very little about them.
The Roman stamp on the ancient world was much deeper than anything the US will be able to match. We still have some Roman institutions, such as a Senate, official sports teams, circuses, and Christianity.
2016-05-15 6:49 pm
Print money? Your grasp on economics is about the same as your grasp on world history.
2016-05-15 6:46 pm
2016-05-15 6:30 pm
2016-05-16 11:15 am
Asking if the USA stronger than Rome is asking if Washington DC is stronger than the Roman Empire.

The USA doesn't have the same foothold as the Roman Empire had-though even its day it wasn't the strongest power in the world, it just had a lack of access to great powers, China, Aztec and so on.
2016-05-15 5:51 pm
That's mostly because the U.S. is the economic centre from which all value is defined.

If that breaks down, it's going to be unsustainable.
2016-05-15 7:11 pm
So was Rome in it's day. You really think that the USA will be the most poweful country in the world in 1000 years?
2016-05-20 6:12 am
Lol no
2016-05-19 6:15 pm
A straight no. We probebly won't see another nation as powerful as rome was. They were massively technologically advanced, revolutionised militarie, the list is basically endless.
2016-05-19 3:10 pm
Rome today is just a city, not a country. The Roman Empire was ruling conglomerate at the time, a bygone era to say the least. There are many reasons that the Roman Empire fell such as military losses, imploding economy. But, history also shows a decline in ethics and moral values has been pointed to as a contributing factor in the fall of such civilizations, such as the Roman Empire.
2016-05-19 9:29 am
2016-05-19 3:25 am

USA is stronger than ALL other countries combined.
2016-05-19 12:07 am
The United States of America as an imperialist empire the likes of Rome; 45% of the people who lived in Rome were slaves....45% more were low/middle-class. The elite 10% owned everything. Just about like the USA 2016..... Except it was law that a Roman slave-owner house feed and care for his slaves. Most did.
2016-05-18 11:16 pm
2016-05-18 10:03 pm
We have our foots up there butts, so yes. now we are.
2016-05-18 9:16 pm
Of course.
2016-05-18 8:21 pm
You think it's bullcrap, most of the US's economy relies on other countries and US consumes more than it produces. You can't compare yourself with Rome, which was an empire almost as big as Europe, and Europe as a whole is a much bigger economy than the US.
2016-05-18 7:40 pm
The USA is a superpower. It dominates through media and influence. But is not far ahead in technology. Plus, semi-periphery countries are catching up and will probably surpass the US fairly soon.
2016-05-18 6:41 pm
All empires collapse Roman Ottoman Spanish American etc etc
2016-05-18 6:14 pm
Ye nlg
2016-05-18 5:27 pm
2016-05-18 4:45 pm
I think it's a funny question, obviously the USA is stronger than Rome.
2016-05-18 4:34 pm
I'd like to see the roman army fight a MIRV. Or Multiple Independently target-able, Reentry Vehicle.....then like 10 more of them.
2016-05-18 4:05 pm
Rome is much stronger and with a greater history than USA
2016-05-18 1:14 pm
2016-05-18 1:09 pm
2016-05-18 12:36 pm
Is not the same time
2016-05-18 11:00 am
No i dont think so.
2016-05-18 10:30 am
Each country is as strong as its residents not only superpower
2016-05-18 8:29 am
2016-05-18 6:46 am
good stuff
2016-05-18 4:02 am
Nowadays nationalism doesn't make sense. The USA is ruled by the "international investors" (0.001%) like all the other countries. Sometimes the international investors decide that a war is needed in order to get something and the media tell you some stories and that you are the good guys and must fight against the bad guys.
I don't think that the USA will fall, they are a useful instrument in the hand of Plutocrats.
2016-05-18 1:12 am
2016-05-18 12:35 am
Nowadays nationalism doesn't make sense. The USA is ruled by the "international investors" (0.001%) like all the other countries. Sometimes the international investors decide that a war is needed in order to get something and the media tell you some stories and that you are the good guys and must fight against the bad guys.
I don't think that the USA will fall, they are a useful instrument in the hand of Plutocrats.
2016-05-17 11:37 pm
2016-05-17 11:27 pm
I think a financial collapse is going to happen to America and China will become the superpower. America owes alot of money.
2016-05-17 9:14 pm
Are you insane? America has nuclear power, aircraft carriers and submarines, A-10s and won two World Wars.

Rome's power was minuscule by comparison.
2016-05-17 8:51 pm
2016-05-17 7:24 pm
Relatively what?
2016-05-17 7:01 pm
Every State Has His Own Power no one Lower than other
2016-05-17 6:41 pm
It would take entirely too much space and time to explain why the United States will very likely be the next Roman Empire, Russian Empire and British Empire, because of all the national debt we have currently. ( Over 19 Trillion dollars ) The Chinese economy currency stands to become the world's currency rather than the US Dollar because our economy is weak and the Chinese economy is strong. ( Just look at where about 60% of our purchased goods come from. )
2016-05-17 5:25 pm
Any country can fall. There's no such thing as invincible.
2016-05-17 5:04 pm
In my opinion,as we know that nowadays imperialism is no longer existed,and then replaced by democracy.
In addition, Roman Empire had only occupied parts of the Europe and Asia Minor, though USA only
governs its territory besides the colonies and yet its strong economy and military forces dominant over the
worldwide counties.
2016-05-17 4:19 pm
We are the strongest country, but Obama is letting everybody in. Once Trump is president, we will be the strongest country again. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
2016-05-17 3:37 pm
Yes, I believe so.
2016-05-17 2:41 pm
No, actually all Republics degrade into dictatorships.

But Rome self destructed. She degraded from within (sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll), just like wots happening to the USA.
2016-05-17 2:21 pm
2016-05-17 9:51 am
You are comparing a Country with a City. Not a valid comparison.
2016-05-17 7:47 am
Read about the Manhattan Project of World War II. In fear that Germany would get the nuclear bomb first, an enormous effort went from the bare fact of nuclear fission to a weapon in three years.

Could an equivalent effort (say to produce a "warp drive" spaceship, if the basic principle of such were just discovered) be carried through by the USA, today? Or would we look on with envy as the Chinese won the stars?
2016-05-17 5:35 am
USA is stronger than any country Now.
2016-05-17 5:06 am
2016-05-17 4:04 am
It's kind of hard to compare them since their time periods are so different.
2016-05-17 3:38 am
2016-05-17 3:12 am
2016-05-17 2:44 am
Perhaps stronger would not be the word i would use. I would hope Rome Italy would be as productive as our country is in many ways
2016-05-17 1:38 am
those who do not learn from the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it, and that can be said of USA, unfortunately but hopefully the masses have awakened and maybe will be able to do something about it
2016-05-17 1:14 am
I think it's all about the internet powers
參考: on the web!
2016-05-17 1:12 am
2016-05-17 12:15 am
China has a stronger economy than the USA. the Usa Has a Debt to the world banks of 17 trillion dollars.
2016-05-16 11:54 pm
2016-05-16 11:37 pm
2016-05-16 11:31 pm
To be strong can be said in many ways.You are only as strong as your weakest link.
2016-05-16 10:03 pm
Military wise: Yes
Economically: Yes
Basic Resource: Sometimes, what I mean by this is that is the Grate Depression, we were not well off on basic resources. We had to by oil, and other types of these resources from other countries.
2016-05-16 9:56 pm
2016-05-16 9:46 pm
2016-05-16 8:32 pm
2016-05-16 8:19 pm
By today's standards yes but! In today's world it does not take centuries for an empire to fall, it only takes decades, look at the USSR!
2016-05-16 8:03 pm
Stronger than Rome? Back in Antiquity, Rome conquered and ruled the known world.
America cuts and runs from postage-stamp sized nations. It just doesn't rate compared to Rome.
Plus, unlike Rome, the USA has the highest national debt of any nation in the entire history of the Human race.
Y'all so broke you can't afford tears to cry about it.

The US is number 1? At what, exactly? Delusional self deception and ignorance?
Reality is lots of nations have surpassed the USA while Americans sat around chanting "USA! USA! USA!'
Take Canada for example:

'Canada: Richer than America and more economically powerful than Europe'
'The most prosperous nation in the Americas, Canada ranks first in personal freedom'
'U.S. falls out of top 10 most prosperous nations, Canada remains number six'
'Canada rises to Top Five in world economic freedom ranking as U.S. plummets to 18th'
'Canada leads North America in economic freedom'
'Canada ranks first for its business operating environment among the 60 largest economies in the world'
'Canada to lead G7 nations in average growth for next 50 years: OECD'
'Canada Trounces U.S. In Best Countries For Business'
'Canadian banks rated safest in world'
'Canada: Constitutional Superpower'
'Canadian cities rank top in North America for personal safety and security'
'Canadian cities 'dominate' North American quality-of-life rankings'
'3 of the 5 most liveable cities in the world are Canadian'
'Canada's middle class richest in world: report'
'Look out, Americans, average Canadian is richer than you are'
'Canada remains world's most educated country'
'Canada leads the world in producing the most highly educated adults'
'Canada is best G20 country for females, India worst'
'Best Country For Kids: Canada Best Place In The World To Raise Children'
'Why Thousands Of Brits Move To Canada Every Year'
'Why being poor in Canada is better than being rich in France'
'Americans are the latest economic refugees, and they're heading to Canada'
'Americans moving to Canada in record numbers: report'
'The American Dream is alive and well - in Canada'
'Study: Canadians Live Longer, Healthier Lives Than Yanks'
'Canadians pay less tax per person than Americans'
'Americans enjoy less economic mobility than their peers in Canada'
'Canada leads G8 in keeping promises'
'And the fastest-growing G8 country is Canada'
'Free trade with Canada has become a global aspiration'
'Canada Leads the Pack in Diversifying its Export Markets'
'Canada leads the world in research impact, shows study'
'Canada leads the world in technology adoption'
'Canada ranks among the top 10 least corrupt countries in the world'
'Canada ranked second-happiest country in the world'
'Canada rises to 4th in world peace rankings'
'Canada can fairly claim to be world's best governed country'
'Canada can fairly claim to be the best-governed country in the world'

That's just a couple examples from just one other country.
And it's a big planet we all live on.
There's a long list of other nations better than the US is all sorts of other ways.
Maybe it's time you quit playing make-believe and faced those facts.

American denial that America's no longer #1 isn't getting America caught up to the Rest of the World.
Instead, that sort of wilful ignorance keeps America falling ever further behind.
Instead of the stupid irresponsibility of blind patriotism, smarten up before the World leaves the US behind.
2016-05-16 7:50 pm
Rome is just one city !
2016-05-16 7:37 pm
you have to establish some terms if you want a legit answer to this question. In terms of expansion and imperalism, no. In terms of military might and world influence today, yes, but not for the reasons you may expect...
2016-05-16 7:15 pm
Well according to History, most of the remnants/countries that was parts of the Roman Empire still stands today. Of course on their own sovereign nation. Moscow was regarded as the last ROME of the Roman Empire. In fact, that is the reason why they called their king CZAR which means CESAR. Modern day remnants of the Roman Empire are (also) not getting along today. Although U.S. was not part of it, majority of the people's ancestor are part of the Roman Empire (some time ago). U.S.A is strong and will prevail in the future, and will survive with or without the help of its friends. Of course, this assumption is to include strong leadership and proper management in order to stay afloat as compared to the old Roman Empire...
2016-05-16 6:40 pm
2016-05-16 5:48 pm
Who knows?
2016-05-16 4:32 pm
2016-05-16 4:02 pm
not any more
2016-05-16 3:55 pm
China is now number one . We're #2 and Japan #3...
THOUSANDS of Muslims are moving here. ( thank Obama ) and they don't want to become a part of American society .
We have over 17 million illegals who are bleeding our welfare systems dry...
We're going to crash and burn , pal ..
2016-05-16 1:47 pm
2016-05-16 1:00 pm
2016-05-16 12:32 pm
2016-05-16 12:03 pm
Why does every step back 2,000 years with Rome? There's no other comparable civilization nearer to the present? Of course the USA is more powerful they have nuclear weapons.
2016-05-16 11:38 am
2016-05-16 11:21 am
It is silly to try to compare a country with large powers at the present moment (such as the USA) with a city and culture which ruled much of the world known to Europeans (Rome) two thousand years ago. The military and social conditions are so different.

But they have one thing in common - both have had at least one "black" ruler (Emperor in the case of Rome).
2016-05-16 10:34 am
I don't think so .
2016-05-16 9:54 am
Ridiculously now. And in the past! Lol Rome is only strong because it's friends with America.
2016-05-16 8:00 am
2016-05-16 6:01 am
Who knows?
2016-05-16 1:11 am
Sure we are.
2016-05-16 12:22 am
My dick was made for your ****.
2016-05-15 10:57 pm
2016-05-15 9:55 pm
In war
2016-05-15 9:01 pm
We won't become like Rome.
2016-05-15 8:15 pm
The collapse of the political systems are running on similar lines.
2016-05-15 7:44 pm
2016-05-15 7:10 pm
Yes, because we have aircraft carriers.
2016-05-15 6:59 pm
2016-05-16 2:21 am
Lol,Rome was like 2000 years ago
2016-05-15 7:26 pm
Did Rome have aircraft carriers?
2016-05-17 11:08 am
Yes i think United States of America is stronger than Rome
2016-05-15 10:47 pm
The United States has been since the end of WW II the strongest nation that has ever existed on earth up to this point. Will the USA eventually lose that position? History would suggest that it will. When? That is open to debate.

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