Feminism report?

2016-05-14 7:22 pm
okay so for my JRP (junior research project) my topic is on women rights and how still even now women do not have all the rights, wages, feminism and such, and I need a counter argument! I was wondering if any of you guys could help me think of a counter argument please!!

okay so for my JRP (junior research project) my topic is on women rights and how still even now women do not have all the rights, wage gap, feminism and sexism and such, and I need a counter argument! I was wondering if any of you guys could help me think of a counter argument please!! I know women now adays do have a lot of rights and are now equal to men. my project is like comparing now to the early 1900's.

回答 (5)

2016-05-14 7:40 pm
The counter argument to the idea women don't have equal rights is that they do have equal rights. Since the ERA was never ratified, you will have to look at rights for each area individually.

Voting: The 19th amendment guarantees women equal voting rights
Pay: The Equal Pay Act gives women the right to equal pay
Hiring': Affirmative Action gives women equal rights in employment and even some advantages.

Give some specific areas you believe women do not have equal rights and it will be easier for us to give a counter argument.
2016-05-14 7:39 pm
Counter argument? Sure.

Women have every right men have except one and that only in 17 states. That's the whole nipple thing.

Men do not have the right to opt out of parenthood (women can abort or give child up for adoption at any time). Men just have to wait to see what the WOMAN will do.

Baby boys are circumcised. Baby girls are not. At least, not in the west.

Men are drafted. Women are not.

All three of these are rights women have that men do not.

Wages? Studies actually say it's because of choice.

In fact, the simplest way to go about this is to just boil the anti-feminist side down to two words: Prove it. Feminists can't b/c they actually have zero hard evidence.

If you want to really spend more time on it, try watching Christina Hoff Sommers video on feminists myths and then some Karen Straughan, some Sargon of Akkad, Bane666au, and others on YouTube. It's a real wake up call.
2016-05-14 7:27 pm
This relates to a recent question. Treating people equally under the law and providing equal opportunity vs. equal outcomes are two very different things. Women by law can't be paid less for the same work than men, but if women do less or lesser work, they will earn less overall, which is why we have a wage gap.

That said, there are many examples where we still do not treat men and women equally under the law and do not have equal opportunity. Women are exempt from selective service, men are discriminated against in employment under Affirmative Action and SBA women owned business advantages for example.
2016-05-14 7:41 pm
The truth is women have their every right. However; sonethings are privileges and feminists don't know the difference. Driving for instance. It is our right to drive but not all are granted that privilege.
2016-05-15 4:28 pm
In relation to gender wage gap, these reports might help with your report, http://bitly.com/PUBEqL , http://bitly.com/1layWx3 and http://bitly.com/1sVkdWq .

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