How can you lock your windows semi permanently?

2016-05-14 5:04 pm
My daughter has snuck out of her window at night to go to parties. I want to nail my windows shut but I'm afraid it will ruin the windows or I won't be able to open them again. Any suggestions?

But my daughter can open a lock easily from the inside, this isn't going to help this situation. I'm talking about not being able to open them until I trust her again.


She could always break the window if there was a fire and she needed to get out. I will check on what my insurance company says about that. And as far as CPS goes, I have worked with them in the past. They will not bother with such a trivial thing as a lock on a naughty child's window. We have reported kids with hand-print and fist shaped bruises and they did nothing.


Locks on windows don't keep thieves out. When they encounter a lock all it tells them is they need to push harder with their hand to break the glass. Besides I had to break into my own house once, it's easier than you think.

回答 (9)

2016-05-14 5:33 pm
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They make window locks that require a key: is a small sampling. Any homeowner can install these. A smart teenager cannot let herself out unless she's got the key.

But even though its maddening to have a kid who "escapes," think twice. If there's a fire and she cannot get out...
2016-05-14 5:10 pm
Plant stinging nettle below the window.
2016-05-14 6:52 pm
A couple of screws in the right place will keep them shut. Another solution to the windows needing to be closed MIGHT be a frame that fits the window area and prevents the window from easily opening. These are temporary fixes and not a solution to the real problem of your daughter is disrespecting your wishes while living in your home. Just plain rude on her part and partially caused by how she sees herself being treated by others and how you have treated her. I suggest a good counseling session with a professional. Do this soon since there is more conflict in the future.
2016-05-14 5:27 pm
Install alarms on the windows. Or put some type of "block" on the window that will prevent her from raising the window--a piece of wood or metal bar.
2016-05-14 7:04 pm
Install an alarm -ONLY.
In case of fire, you never want a window to be nailed shut.
It's against fire codes to do this, and would also negate your insurance- not to mention, your daughter. CPS may also take notice if you lock a kid in a room.

The question here isn't to lock the window, but to show your daughter there are consequences to her actions. Legally, parents of minors own their phones, cars, and pretty much everything else the kid thinks they own. Start by taking her phone away, and go from there. No rides anywhere but to and from school and home. Once she sees she's not going to win this thing, chances are good it will end.
2016-05-15 8:44 pm
Easy solution--move her bed/a sleeping bag into your room, or you sleep in her room. She wants the privacy of her own room back, she should earn it by following the rules and not sneaking out.
2016-05-15 1:06 am
This is past your giving a BA, which is OK.

If she's age 14-16, may as well just see if you can talk to at least get to where she feels safe to call for help if things go really wrong out there, but she will get out there.

If she's younger than that, you need a professional intervention, as there is too much going on, like it or not.
My stepdaughter started going out the window at 12, had wrecked cars by 15, and was allowed to drink anything on visitations with her "real" father on extended "visitations". She died in the house, from a drug overdose, at 28.
Her name was "Collette". She was a beautiful young woman.

The window is not even close to the problem, or a solution. Best of luck to you. It can be very hard.

2016-05-14 10:40 pm
In order to do this, you have to install the wire-netting screen on the window.
2016-05-14 5:05 pm
Most windows have a lock on them to begin with. It kind of helps keep burglars and such out.

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