in which process do animals take oxygen?

2016-05-14 9:40 am

回答 (14)

2016-05-15 12:37 pm
Animals take in oxygen through respiration. Respiration is the intake of air from nose to the lungs when you inhale. In the process of respiration, oxygen moves from air to the alveoli, where gas exchange takes place. Then, oxygen diffuses into the red blood cells from higher concentration to lower concentration. The red blood cells becomes oxygenated and is being transferred back to the heart through the blood vessel. Orginally, the red blood cells are deoxygenated blood, as they come from different parts of the body, e.g. lower parts of the body, legs, kidneys. Further, carbon dioxide(CO2) is transferred by diffusion from deoxygenated blood to alveoli, from alveoli to the outer air, from higher concentration to lower concentration, since the ratio of CO2 in deoxygenated blood in blood vessel near alveoli is higher than that in the air. Lastly, CO2 is exhaled through the nose to the outer air. The respiration process is complete.
I am glad to have helped. Hope this helps ;)
2016-05-17 6:15 pm
I think you might be referring to one of a number of things.

1. Ventilation - the movement of a fluid medium (air or water) to bring it into contact with a gas exchange surface.

2. Gas exchange - the diffusion, down concentration and pressure gradients, of oxygen from an external fluid medium (air or water) in to body fluids.

3. Respiration - the use of oxygen as an electron acceptor in the cellular biochemical process of respiration.
2016-05-16 12:12 pm
Breathing by nostrills.
2016-05-16 1:51 am
Breathing, same as us
2016-05-15 7:24 am
It is called gas exchange, the process of respiration.
2016-05-15 3:51 am
2016-05-14 10:20 pm
2016-05-14 7:48 pm
Breathing (respiration)
2016-05-14 3:08 pm
2016-05-14 9:40 am

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