Can a taxi driver refuse service to me and my dog in California what is the law for California regarding transporting a leashed dog?

2016-05-14 7:49 am

I did something that I wasn't proud of I never cuss but this time I did at the driver the taxi was transporting my dog to the groomer

回答 (7)

2016-05-14 1:15 pm
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Unless it is a guide dog a taxi driver can refuse to take it.
2016-05-14 7:54 am
Unless it's a service dog it's up to the driver.Try calling in advance nd let them know you need a cabbie that's okay with dogs.
2016-05-14 9:02 am
Unless the dog is a registered assistance dog I believe they can refuse to carry it.
2016-05-14 7:54 am
Driver's choices based on what u wrote.
No laws against it
2016-05-14 8:16 am
Are you one of these "My dog can go anywhere I can" believers? I swear I see people bringing dogs with them into grocery stores claiming they are "service" dogs. Since when do service dogs need to ride in shopping carts? More-ons.
2016-05-14 8:03 am
Yes, he can.
2016-05-14 7:57 am
Pretty certain a taxi driver can decide not to transport animals if they like. The only exception might be for care animals, since that would be discrimination against the disabled.

When you call for a cab, just let them know you are taking a dog to the groomers, and then they will only dispatch a driver who is okay with that.

But be sensitive to the reality that every dog that sits in that cab is making it sooner that the cab is going to have to be cleaned. Or were you planning on helping pay for that next cleaning? Yah, didn't think so.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:41:42
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