Do you believe life exists on other planets?

2016-05-14 5:55 am
I'm not talking about any planets in our solar system, I mean planets far out there in orbit around other stars. Its crazy to think that nothing else exists outside of earth. I believe strongly that we are not alone in the universe and that there are human like beings out there living life on habitable planets. What do you think? And please explain.

回答 (10)

2016-05-14 10:49 pm
Yes. The Universe is HUGE.
2016-05-14 7:56 am
no life exist only on earth
2016-05-14 6:24 am
"Life"? I don't question that possibility. "Intelligent Life" is a question. Given the vastness of just the "Observable Universe" and the restrictions on a "Being" traveling for years,decades, centuries, millennium...etc. isn't, by our standards a possibility. Life doesn't necessarily have to exist in a simular atmosphere to ours. There is one plant that I know of on earth that grows in total, absolute darkness, in a volcanic "Hydrogen Sulfied Atmosphere" that produces sap simular to hydrochloric acid. What may exist in other environments?
And...I have yet to hear any theologian deny the possibility "God" created more than one earth. That said...we humans do have the technology to build an interstellar vehicle. The reasons we humans will never visit the stars are many. Cost, Global Cooperation, Raw Materials, and of course "Time". If we started the project tomorrow, something on the order of 800-1000 years to complete the craft. Size does matter.
2016-05-14 6:19 am
There are billions of planets out there. If there is even a slight chance that life can form on a planet, then life is definitely out there.

... But is there a slight chance? That's hard to say. We know it's happened once, but we only know about this one time. We don't have enough information to give this question a good answer.
2016-05-14 6:17 am
We seem to be alone in this solar system. Our Sun which is said to be in an arm of the Galaxy. Seems to be an outpost of the Galaxy. Out of all the billions of stars out there, we are it dude.
2016-05-14 6:13 am
I believe the chance of other life is so good as to be almost certain.

The chance of other sentient intelligent life is less certain but still pretty good.

The chance of two sentient intelligent lifeforms eventually making contact with each other across the vastness of space is far, far less - possibly almost zero.
2016-05-14 5:57 am
It's certainly possible.

For example, Silicon is theoretically a possible replacement for Carbon.

Other lifeforms could have Silicon instead of Carbon, or perhaps Copper rather than Iron.
2016-05-14 5:57 am
Statistically speaking it's almost certain. Life, that is. "Human like" is a bit too restrictive.
2016-05-14 5:56 am
You mean sentient life? Sure. Why not. But not really. Open to the idea.

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