What do I say to this?

2016-05-13 10:03 pm
I'm 19 and live with my boyfriend, he has a job that he just got, he's getting so much praise and I'm proud of him but everyone keeps telling me I need to get a move on and get a job... Now I've recently been diagnosed with Anxiety and Clinical depression, I've also bee placed on meds to help me. I'm not proud of it but my doctor said that I'm not fit for work right now as I'm a danger to myself yet, everyone is putting pressure on me telling me I'm "playing the system" and that I'm "not that bad" I've suffered with depression since I was 13, it's only recently it got properly diagnosed. So as you can imagine, peoples comments are less thanks helpful to me, my partner is the same and his dad refers to him as "master of the house" because he's earning the money which pisses me off, I don't have paid work but I make sure the house is in order, I maintain th animals and I help my friend on her farm which is a lot of work! But because it isn't paid, it doesn't count so I'm expected to have his dinner ready when he gets home, even if I'm having a really down day (which are really severe) I just don't know what to do, I feel so useless.

回答 (3)

2016-05-14 1:57 am
I have clinical depression also and have found that Zoloft is the best antidepressant. But it does take 2-3 wks for your body to adjust to it.
2016-05-13 10:27 pm
I have clinical depression and suffer bouts of anxiety so do understand that it takes time for the medication to work and for the dosage to be correct
However you do yourself no favours, if you help out a friend on her farm which you state is a lot of work
You are showing your b/f and others that you are capable of work if you do this regularly.
When my depression was bad I was unable to move from my bed, never mind go out and do physical work
Concentrate on getting better,mentally, then look for a paying job and get your self esteem and confidence back
2016-05-13 10:12 pm
The first question is: what do you want to do? . You are the only one that can answer this. If taking care of your friends animals is more important than your relationship with your bf, then move out and go take care of animals. If your relationship with your bf is more important, it would make sense to help more around the house instead of helping your friends. If both are important you might need to reach some sort of compromise by talking it over with your bf. There's no magic answer. People suffering from depression have to push themselves a lot harder than people without depression.

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