Which gives more benefit to mankind , Sun or Moon.?

2016-05-13 2:22 pm
Both sun and moon give various benefits to us. Which is greater?

回答 (8)

2016-05-13 2:25 pm
umm.....SUN! duuhh.....it's our main energy source...if it were to suddenly disappear, we'll all just freeze to death.
not to mention the moon gets its light FROM THE SUN....so you see!
2016-05-13 4:41 pm
IMHO, ..., they both play and equal role and here's why:
1) The Sun provides energy to the Earth without it there would be no light & no photosynthesis, and life as we know it would not exist.
2) Now, the moon on the other hand is the last line in Earth's defensive shield against incoming asteroids and comets. It provides for tides, and the orbit of the moon keeps Earth core spinning and a liquid state. This keeps the magnetic field alive which protects us form Cosmic radiation, as well as, radiation from the sun. With out the moon there'd be no magnetic field and the Sun would have roasted our planet long ago. So you see they both work hand-in-hand to provide and protect the environment of Earth.
2016-05-13 2:54 pm
The sun. By far. Take away the moon, and some cycles change; take away the sun, and you remove *life* from the planet.
2016-05-15 12:49 pm
The Sun. It represents hope. It light up the whole sky, you see? The sun represents love, in my term. Without the Sun, the plants cannot do photosynthesis. Imagine how bad it could be if the plants just keep repsirate without any light coming in! The earth need the sun more then ever, because it brings life to the planet Earth, and not just planet Earth, but other planets too! ( venus, mars). Although I like Sun more, it doesn't mean the Moon isn't important. It is as important as the Sun. Sun and Moon are the "protectors" of the planet Earth. Without Sun or Moon, we wouldn't have been born.
So, to conclude, Sun gives more benefits to mankind, because it represents love. But dont neglect the Moon neither. They are both very important.

Hope I have helped.
2016-05-13 10:04 pm
Sun. it gives the energy we need
2016-05-13 7:47 pm
The Sun provides pretty much all the energy for life on the planet, the Moon we could live without.
2016-05-13 7:19 pm
the sun, its the source of all our energy.
2016-05-13 4:40 pm
Sun, but without the moon we would not be here anyway.
So it is more of a Chicken or the egg type question.

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