Things to do in London?

2016-05-13 6:05 am
I want to know a list which is filled with great attractions of London. I hope I will see sufficient replies here. I will go there within two days.

回答 (7)

2016-05-13 2:23 pm
There are thousands of attractions in London, many are tourist traps e.g. Madame Tussads but most national museums and galleries are free and some paid attractions are worth it. I suggest you buy a guide book, then you can tailor your visits to your tastes.
2016-05-13 9:12 am
There are literally thousands of things to do in London. Buy a guidebook.
2016-05-19 7:18 am
There are accurately thousands of belongings to prepare in London. Buy a travel guide.
2016-05-13 9:18 pm
contact tourist board london
2016-05-13 5:07 pm
Shoreditch High Street mate, we'll make sure you ENJOY
參考: Londoner
2016-05-13 7:34 am
It is difficult to answer because we don't know your tastes. You would be better off studying a guide. They are on-line and also available to buy.

Many attractions are free. The big museums are worth a visit. For example The Natural History Museum or The Science Museum..

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