I just raped a desposed nigerian prince, what now?

2016-05-12 5:36 pm

回答 (7)

2016-05-12 7:26 pm
Tell him to stop sending scam e-mails or you won't do it again.
2016-05-15 3:53 pm
OMG he's not still using that old chat up line in the gay bars is he? and what's worse is you fell for it!
2016-05-12 7:44 pm
2016-05-12 9:01 pm
You're on your own.
參考: PhD in Life Management.
2016-05-13 6:30 pm
First thing to do is to get real. You are just trolling and know you did no such thing.
2016-05-13 1:58 pm
I should wipe it and put it away.
2016-05-13 2:33 am
Get a blood test.

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