Facebook: How do I filter who sees my posts?

2016-05-12 2:54 pm
Last Saturday, I posted a comment to a news feed to which I subscribe. My sister saw it and criticized me about it. I did not need that. My life is miserable enough without my sister, at 41, still being my big sister. (I m a couple weeks shy of 39.) Anyway, I looked, under the who can see my posts and I couldn t see how to filter it. I was hurt, given what I posted and she criticized me instead of giving me support. I shouldn t have been surprised, as that s the way she is. Anyway, I m digressing. I just thought if she can t be supportive...


回答 (2)

2016-05-12 3:01 pm
You cannot filter individuals on FB, just unfriend your sister then you wont have the problem. I have unfriended people I know because they post really stupid political memes or comments.

Sometimes our own family can be the rudest to us, unfriend here for awhile, really, it will make a point.
Good Luck.
2016-08-01 10:55 pm
My sister took me to court after mom died. When she did that, she cut the bloodline, including cousins with my kids. She wanted to 'friend' me on Facebook, then she started following me.

I declined friendship, and blocked her and she can't follow me anymore. Privacy Setting will give you a list, who you want banned, or blocked. There's also a HELP, section, to answer all your questions about who you can filter or where you want your post (friends only) or just me. Your choice. But know this, if your sister are friends with YOUR friends, when they click 'like' she still can see what you posted.

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