Good book to read?

2016-05-11 1:16 am
Any type besides cliche stuff like the fau;t in our stars im 14 btw

回答 (13)

2016-05-11 5:44 am
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Fair warning, I love fantasy
So I'm assuming by cliche you mean nothing that's really popular, so I guess the ones without movies I've heard of.

My all-time 2 favorite books that were "off the beaten path"so to speak were
The Shifter by janice hardy
The Rithmatist by brandon sanderson

Also liked
Darkbeast by Morgan Keyes
Crystal Bones by C Aubrey Hall
The society of unrelenting vigilance by Glenn Dakin
Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy <- also a favorite
The Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas
The shamer's daughter by line Kaaberbol
Leviathan by Scott westerfield
The false prince by Jennifer A Nielson
Adventurers wanted by M L Forman
The shadow Thieves by Anne Ursu
Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott
The amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud

And if you're into funny fantasy you can't go wrong with Dark Lord by Jamie Thompson
And why not? The actual how to train your dragon books are NOTHING like the movie, but still really good

And the things you've probably heard of but I can't be sure and they're super great
Alex Rider
Charlie Bone
Artemis Fowl
Ranger's Apprentice
Last Apprentice
Prydain Chronicles
Michael Vey

Sorry about the list, I get kinda excited with this type of question.
2016-05-11 1:19 am
Try The Thief Lord.
It was really good the first time I read it, even though it is a bit below an advanced level for 14-year-olds (maybe it's for 12-13 year olds, but I think you'll enjoy it either way).
2016-12-24 5:03 pm
參考: Online Yoga Courses
2016-05-15 3:17 am
A few classics for you...
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, by Carson Mc Cullers
Dorothy Parker's short stories
P.S. your cat is dead by J.P. Kirkwood
The Naked Lunch by William Burroughs
1984, George Orwell
A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Daisy Miller by Henry James
2016-05-13 2:08 am
There is an Indie Author named Chris Snider who has three books out there ranging from Fantasy to Horror.
2016-05-12 10:24 pm
100 years of solitude
2016-05-12 6:53 pm
i think non-fictiton books on science
2016-05-12 8:13 am
The Great Divorce;
In a Sunburned Country;
The Yoga of Nutrition;
The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You;
For Couples Only;
Northanger Abbey;
2016-05-12 2:50 am
the catcher in the rye is the best book ever
2016-05-11 9:39 am
Abarat, by Clive Barker
it about a 15 year old girl, Candy Quackenbush, who suddenly finds herself in this weird world where she accidentally becomes a hero.
2016-05-11 3:15 am
West with the Night;
The Spark by Barnett;
The Great Divorce;
In a Sunburned Country;
The Yoga of Nutrition;
The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You;
For Couples Only;
Northanger Abbey;
Don Quixote;
The Woman Who Thought She Was a Planet;
Trafalgar by Gorodischer;
Hidden Camera by Zivkovic;
The Code of the Woosters.
2016-05-11 1:29 am
What do u consider cliche? Every idea and concept is cliche. 🙀

Since I like vampires then I'll suggest a book series called The President's Vampire. The first book is called Blood Oath. It's adult, not YA, but the content is suitable for teens.
2016-05-11 1:17 am
Have you read Catcher in the Rye? Some love it and others just don't get it. I loved it.

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