Why do people even bother predicting the rapture?

2016-05-10 11:39 pm
What i am referring to is about a year ago before my dad died. He was talking about Pastor John Hage and he was talking about the Blood Moon and he mentioned this Jewish prophet that said if things go a certain way the rapture would happen in 2017. And I was like.. really dude?Im a christian and all but I get so sick and tired of people trying to predict the rapture. When are people going to get it through there head no one knows when it will happen but God and God alone?

回答 (18)

2016-05-10 11:49 pm
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Why do people even bother predicting the rapture?

- People make a ton of money off of stupid people.
2016-05-10 11:43 pm
There is a specific reason why people bother predicting the rapture.

Because there are morons who will believe them.
2016-05-10 11:41 pm
There have been such "prophets" predicting the rapture in just about every year for the past 200 years or more. Jesus said that NO-ONE would know the time, that He would come 'like a thief in the night", when we least expect it. Therefore, the only thing we CAN be certain of is that whenever anyone makes a "prediction", it WON'T happen than!
2016-05-11 6:32 am
This is the hope of every Christian, The Blessed Hope! The important thing is to be ready, by keeping fellowship unbroken. The Bible says when He comes, some are ready, others not ready? He wants us alert, watching, looking, and waiting for Him! It's going to happen so quickly, all of a sudden. Meanwhile we hold the fort down till He comes.
2016-05-11 1:07 am
The rapture is a false doctrine that was made up about 150 years ago. It is not taught in the bible.
2016-05-11 12:36 am
Actually around 3 years ago John Hagee said the rapture would happen by the of September2015, because that was when the last of the 4 blood moons in a years span would happen. As the end of September got close, he started back pedaling and claiming he didn't make the prediction that it was the end of September, but problems was he has already claimed it on video and in his book. Anyway, So many have made these predictions. Like Lindsey in his book in the early 70's the late great planet earth, that predicted the rapture by the end of the 80's decade that was a top best seller on Christian book charts. It's cause it sells books, so you can make a good amount of money if it gets the attention of many Christians, plus the money from lectures on your new book. Plus many Christians long for the excitement and idea to be teleported instantly to heaven, so they buy it all up.
2016-05-11 12:07 am
From my perspective, when are people going to get it through their heads that no one even knows for sure if any gods exist in the first place, let alone whether or not the mythological "rapture" is going to happen?
2016-05-10 11:59 pm
Either the rapture will happen or it won't. However too many people say we are in the end times and they make themselves loom stupid doing it.
2016-05-10 11:45 pm
They want attention or to seem more worthy and wise than they are. Act like they are the authority and have their finger on the pulse.

I believe if by some chance a person guessed it God would change it to keep it unknown.

If it happens in my lifetime. My great plan is to pull out a lawn chair and watch it unfold.
2016-05-10 11:49 pm
Only False prophets do that though.

Jesus never predicted anything.

As a matter of fact, he will come at a time when he is not expected, not unlike when he came unto his own and his own received him not.

Like the 5 wise virgins and like the thief in the night.

All of that is opposing the teaching of our Lord and how he described his imminent return.

When I see people presume to be God's prophets, just switch channels.

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