Are male feminists genuine or just political opportunists?

2016-05-10 5:21 pm

回答 (8)

2016-05-10 5:22 pm
They're idiots
2016-05-10 7:05 pm
POLITICAL opportunists? Some of them maybe. I imagine most of them are would-be sexual opportunists.
2016-05-11 4:28 pm
Just trying to get laid.
2016-05-10 6:01 pm
remember - feminism is only for beta women and men.
2016-05-10 5:23 pm
Some are in column A, others are in column B.
The term that's developed for what you're talking about is "virtue signallers".
2016-05-10 8:20 pm
Most are genuine some aren't. It's weird that some guys can't believe a man can care about others without getting something.
2016-05-10 5:23 pm
Most are genuine. A few are opportunists.
2016-05-10 5:22 pm

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