How can I win full custody against my ex???! I'm pregnant too.?

2016-05-10 2:34 pm
He never even wanted this baby from the start he told me to get an abortion and that he doesn't want it. But now he's saying he wants custody after the baby is born, he is a pot smoking loser who drinks all the time and also has a girl living there who tried fighting me while I was pregnant. Can I win custody do I have any chance?? He gets high and drives and smokes in his house where he wants to have the baby

回答 (4)

2016-05-10 3:43 pm
You should have aborted. Way to go for being tied to this loser the rest of your life and subjecting a child to him.
2016-05-12 9:33 am
How are you likely to be a better parent than him? Wasn't it you who chose this "pot smoking loser" to breed with? Doesn't say much about our level of intelligence or maturity.
2016-05-10 3:31 pm
Just send him an example of what all he needs for the baby and how much it will cost every month. This includes shots and doctors visits as well as the bill for your labor and delivery. Pretty sure he'll drop the matter when he sees how much the baby will cost if he raises it.
And next time be more selective about who you have unprotected sex with.
2016-05-10 3:06 pm
Being a single mother (I'm assuming you two weren't married) you automatically have sole custody. He will have to go to court and petition for custody/visitation.

Regardless of his lifestyle, unless you prove to be unfit, no judge is going to take custody of a newborn baby away from a mother and give it to the father.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:40:41
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