I'm interested in writing a story about drugs but I know nothing about them?

2016-05-09 7:45 pm
I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone a little and had an interesting idea for a story.
However I know nothing about them.

Please list some drugs and general prices for how many grams etc.
Side effects and what happens on them
How long would they effect someone?

I've already got the plot down however I'm trying to figure out some of the smaller details so if anyone can help that'll be great?

Any of details about them would be helpful. ()

回答 (7)

2016-05-09 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you don't write what you know, you at least have to have the patience to go out and research the topic for yourself.

Go and find some information on drugs. There's a website used over here in the UK called "Frank". Go and have a look at it. It is so helpful to go and hunt yourself because then you can build up a collection of research to use in the future. You can save a list of websites or download PDF documents to use if you need them again, and you could probably research a lot more than we could because you know *exactly* what you need.

Just go and look. Youtube probably has a few documentaries.

Edit: http://www.talktofrank.com/drugs-a-z
2016-05-09 7:48 pm
Let me get this straight...

YOU are interested in writing a story but you want others to do the legwork for you when it comes to research.

Do you not realize how lazy and a** backwards this is? It is your job as the writer to do the research on these things, not us. If the story matters that much to you then it would be in your best interest to get off of the computer and visit a library.
2016-05-09 8:35 pm
Only write about things you really know a lot about.
Attempting to write a story about a subject of which you have neither knowledge or experience is foolish, and the result would be pathetic.
2016-05-09 7:46 pm
Write about things you know. It worked well for Hemingway.
2016-05-09 11:23 pm
Dewey Decimal Class Number 615.9 is where the books on medicines are. If your story involves them, or overdosing on them, check there.

Are you interested in recreational and street drugs? I did a search of what my library has under "street drugs" and "recreational drugs" and the list is in the Sources below.

A quick and dirty way to research this is to look for famous people who died of substance abuse. Elvis Presley, John Belushi, Michael Jackson, the girl whose mother died in the bathtub (The mother, poor soul, was a famous singer and now I can't remember her name.) Copy down the name(s) of the drug(s) and look them up online.

I presume the street values depend on how much is being sold, how pure the substance is, and what the supplier thinks his customer will pay. There is probably a mark-up so the other people in the chain get their bit of cash: the shipper, the grower, the crime boss, the smuggler, the cutter and mixer of impurities.
2016-05-09 9:21 pm
Do not listen to all these people saying your not doing anything if you don't research this or whatever by yourself. Asking for help is never a problem, the problem is the people who make it difficult by criticizing the person asking the question. You are not "lazy", other people aren't "doing the legwork", YOU are, by actually WRITING the story.

BTW, to all the people out there just commenting "do it yourself" and the like, you are just wasting your time. It also makes you seem like a jerk and have no respect for others, which is never good.
2016-05-09 7:48 pm
If you want to write a story about drugs first watch reqium for a dream
2016-05-09 7:52 pm
Lazy stupid foreign teenager.

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