I don't know what to do. Would someone help?

2016-05-09 6:26 am
Ok, so I'm 13, yes 13. I've attempted suicide 2 times, yes 2 times. Now I feel like I should die again. My best friend also what's to die as well, but she thinks it's selfish, should we die together? I mean it wouldn't be as selfish. We wanted to grow up with each other since we became friends in the 3rd grade. Now we can't find happiness anywhere and are just giving up. What should I do?

回答 (22)

2016-05-09 4:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When you and your best friend get together, make this vow. That the two of you will help each other appreciate yourselves. Constantly affirming each others value, encouraging each others success, supporting each others healing.

Take heart! You may be down now but allow me to tell you a short story.

Muhammad Ali was fighting Kevin Cooper in England. Floating like a butterfly, stinging like a bee. When Kevin Cooper socked him right in his jaw. Muhammad Ali goes down. Boom! Pops right back up! Goes to the corner cause the round is about to end. Comes in the next round and TKO! Kevin Cooper goes down! In the interview after the fight they asked him, "why did you get up so quick?" He replied, "Because the ground is no place for a champion!" They said, "But Kevin Cooper was the champion." He replied, "Champion is the title Kevin Cooper HAS. Champ is who I AM!"

Everyone has a champion in them. Including you. The question is, what are you the champion of? That's something everyone has to find out on their own. You have gifts, hidden talents within you, that you are meant to inspire the world with. Find those. Master them. You'll certainly feel something deep stir in your heart when you do as the purpose of life is slowly unraveled.

Change your focus. Don't just look for things that relate. Look for things that inspire. That call you deeper into yourself and the greatness within you. An easy way to do this is with the music you listen to. There are lots of positive songs in the world. Once you get past the music and other things we are lead to focus on the world expands into something fantastic and beautiful, with good and bad, rather than dark and mundane with hardly a glimmer of hope. Then you can grow to understanding life better.

A few of my favorite songs:

Vitium - Incredible (There is a reason this is listed first. You two should listen to this one together)
K-Rino - From The Sky
Dead Prez - Overstand
Bop Alloy - Lead The Followers
India Arie - Just Do You
Amanda Diva - Beautiful Things

Music is not the only thing that can inspire. Some of my favorite art:
3D Street Art
Fractal Art
Illusory Art

Back in the day, people used art to explore the way we perceive things. It had profound meaning and like with 3D art and Fractal art, entire worlds were revealed.

If you have a smart phone there are some good books you can read. One of my favorites is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It's a very deep and inspiring story. I was thoroughly moved by it.

There is so many things in life that can flip the mood from feeling stuck to motivated, moving, alive. I meditate. I study and constantly work on my character and growth. Training my mind. Connecting with myself, God and other areas of life. That's how you get to know yourself and how capable you are to overcome things you never thought you would. I meditate. Awakening deeper states of peace and happiness than even when I was in love years before.

There are many good and amazing things happening in the world. Somewhere in the world, 1,000,000 children got together in one place to meditate on world peace. Some young Biochemist came on TedTalks to present a gel-like substance that works with the way the body naturally heals itself to close up gaping wounds instantly. Game changing stuff! And stuff like that happens all the time. Where there is bad stuff in the world, there is also good being done about it.

More important than anything that happens outside of you. Your circumstance, interactions with people, the bad things in the world, inside you, even deeper than your own darkness, there is the champion I mentioned earlier. Able to take on life with ease and walk through the good and bad times with the same attitude. That of a champion! That is who you really are. Do your best to be yourself! Love yourself because you are more than what you don't like about you. You are greater in worth than what most people will be able to see. And even if you can't see it now, if you keep working on yourself and trying to learn and grow and heal and be that champion you, then your eyes will slowly open.
2016-05-09 6:48 am
I'll tell you what you should do"Think"
Now are you thinking? Okay now in your head kill yourself. Use whatever method you want to but just do it.
Your dead right? Now what?
Your mom comes to find her child that she carried for 9 months dead. Your dad who watched you grow up for 13 years finds you dead.(Or whoever raised you).
I know what its like because I go through this to. The difference between me and you though is I made it
I'm 18 about to finish my senior of hs and my life has basically just started. Im happy at age 14 I got to the er in time to still be here alive.
Your life hasn't started yet neither has your bestfriends.
You guys can still grow up together, you guys can do anything you set your mind to but to do it you gotta be alive.
If you can't find happiness anything, find happiness in each other.
Don't be another statistic when especially when you can find happiness its not to late.
Even though I made it I still attempt sometimes..
參考: I'll leave with this though If you you have nothing worth living for,then you have nothing to die for. I havent found my reason yet either. But were both still here for a reason. We have something coming up it may take awhile but we'll find our purpose together even when we dont know each other.
2016-05-11 11:09 am
Nothing in the world is that bad you have to take your own life. Everything changes and evolves, whatever situation you are in now, it will change. You and your friend need to talk to an adult about how you're feeling. Could you see your school counsellor? Is there someone in your family you could talk to? You were not put on this Earth to suffer.
2016-05-11 7:20 am
Hello, Max! I’m so sorry you and your friend feel this way. Although I do not now your exact circumstances, please remember that your lives are precious no matter what.
Do you think it might be helpful if you speak to your parents about what you are going through? May be a trusted adult? One reason that God has put these people in your life is to help you through hard situations. Those who know you well are often in the best position to offer advice that’s geared to your specific circumstances. And it’s possible that they went through a similar struggle when they were your age! I’ll be praying for you and your friend, too.
2016-05-09 5:35 pm
Foolish,don't do it if you cant find happiness ,I understand your feelings ,I attempted for suicide once and it wasn't successful ,you know I wasn't enough brave to end up my life ,but I thought about it a lot ,even I searched the net to find some painless ways for that ,Wikipedia has good advice for you.but death doesn't mean happiness it means the eternal sadness .so if you wanna be happy live don't die ,settle a goal for yourself although it seems silly cuz you will tell youtself then what ?death will come someday why I dont finish everuthing tonight ,but let it come when the proper time comes and you are not the person who decides for that ,I don't know if you believe in anything called god or not ,but if you don't belive in god ,believe in me as a good person who wants to stop you from making a mistake which can be your last mistake ,you're still too young to die ,go and feel life before death kisses you ,if it doesn't convince you to live ,go and see psychologists,they help.
2016-05-09 3:49 pm
Don't kill yourself. Just don't. You are just going through a phase, and it will pass by. You just have to have hope. How will your family react? Your friends? They care about you and don't want you to die. You have a purpose in life, like what other answers say. You have to go see a counselor for this so you can live a happier and better life with you and your friend. Hope it helped
2016-05-10 3:34 pm
I don't think anyone should try to prevent you from doing that. I mean, it's your decision. All they can and must do is tell you their opinion from their experience.
I tell you to wait a bit more, if you can. Maybe it'll go away.
2016-05-10 7:59 am
Both are don't do attend the suicide. Its not correct thing. First of all you think about your parents. they are always loving and carrying. You can change your thinking. Both are hearing songs.now you feel freely to continued to focus on studies
2016-05-09 5:43 pm
DON'T COMMIT SUICIDE. Every time you think about it, imagine your parents and siblings at your funeral. They will never get over losing you. They will think about you every day for the rest of their lives and wonder what they did wrong. You are loved whether you believe it or not. Even If no one on this earth loves you, know that God does.
2016-05-09 1:58 pm
I won't tell you don't do that cause it's up to you.
But I'll tell you when you pull the trigger, when you jump off, when you swallow the pills and when the life flashes before you, would you be happy by how you are leaving.
Would you have regrets?

Me, I will die one day but when the life flashes by me I don't want to have regrets and I don't want to have unfulfilled promises, I don't want any problem unsolved.

Because the moment life leaves you you are gonna wish for more time.
參考: There are millions fighting for life. Just remember but rest is up to you. I can give you my opinion but not force it on you. I really hope you make the right decision :).
2016-05-09 6:30 am
So long as you are giving up and don't care, why not help out your folks and rob a bank first? You get nothing for leaving the party early, might as well stick around to annoy your enemies.

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