I cannot express how much I hate the people in my school!!! They're dumb wigger trash who don't?

2016-05-09 3:12 am
Respect teachers adults ect. Idk about you but I grew up in a household where if I spoke up acted up or got bad grades I was punished. Now the school is being overrun by kids who always try to fight say rude things and do drugs.. I HATE IT SO MUCH

回答 (8)

2016-05-09 3:18 am
Yeah I understand how you feel. Sad thing is that you can't control how others do or act. Which is unfortunate. You can only control your own destiny.
2016-05-09 3:14 am
Do we go to the same school by chance? Teens are dumb, disrespectful, ignorant and downright rude. I honestly am afraid for the next generation of teenagers.
2016-05-09 8:44 am
What is an ect???
2016-05-09 3:18 am
Thanks for the opinion.
2016-05-09 3:13 am
That's how high school is, get used to it.
2016-05-09 3:13 am
There truly is nothing worse than a wigger.
2016-05-09 3:15 am
OK. I automatically lost respect for you with your use of a derogatory term. It's never ok to be racist. Also, this isn't a question. If you want to complain about this, I suggest you go to those people who you call "dumb ****** trash". Hopefully they can knock the prejudice out of you.
2016-05-09 3:13 am
I agree.
All wiggers should be cooked

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