Debate: Why do men hate paying child support?

2016-05-08 11:42 pm
Child support was created to support women and children from the days where women could not work and depended on men to be “breadwinners” of the family. Of course that was decades ago and now in today's world men and women can both work. Yes, I know that there are women out there who are trifling excuse for mothers and collect their child's money for hair, clothes, etc. then again you have poor excuse for fathers who make the babies and feel that's all there's to it. I know that you have petty women who will still abuse support out of spite. Also, you have men who refuse to do anything for their child so why not at least support your child financially? That's the least you could do since you can't do little to no effort to see your child let alone call the child. To be fair it goes 50-50 the “man” should man up and accept responsibility so half of the dozen can avoid child support and as for women should really think twice before hoping in bed with a “man” that was **** as they quote then refer to them as deadbeats when the Apple didn't fall too far from the tree... Sorry ladies. Then again I kinda see why too... I'm not trying to be one sided I am trying to view this from both perspectives because I know it'll kill me to send my ex baby mama/father money but what will kill me most is to know that all that money in sending isn't even beneficial for my child.

回答 (7)

2016-05-09 1:31 am
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Most men would like equal time with their kids as the mother has. Many courts are antiquated and give mothers primary custody, pushing fathers out of the picture and giving them limited parenting time with their children. Also, many mothers do something called parental alienation, where they brainwash the kids with lots of nonsense and paint the father in a negative light. They withhold access to the kids from the father. They tell the children their father doesnt care about them.

If fathers had equal access to their kids, they wouldnt mind contributing via child support.

Obviously, this isnt the case in all situations, but it does happen frequently.
2016-05-09 1:08 am
The money of child support is meant for child, not for the wife.

"Also, you have men who refuse to do anything for their child so why not at least support your child financially?"

= Have you though about they cannot afford child support payments due to some reason like unemployment for example. So you expect us to burn our bodies to provide us for your child? Then worry about constant fear of being arrested? Really?

"That's the least you could do since you can't do little to no effort to see your child let alone call the child. "

= How can we, the visitation laws are unfair. Not to mention, some women will not let men see their children.

Do you understand how some women misuse the child support payments for their own selfish reasons?
Do you understand even women are at fault here?
2016-05-09 3:08 am
Because not all men are good at taking responsibility for their actions.
2016-05-09 3:02 am
It is common for men to think, upon separation or divorce, that, magically, the massive increase in household expenses after the birth of a child.. is going to disappear upon a divorce. That, somehow, a few hundred dollars would magically pay for health care, a roof, transportation, clothing, foo.d, an occasional treat or experience, child care, tuition... when that's unlikely to be feasible. If you prefer to save the cost of paying someone else to be primary custodian of your child... keep your child for yourself. Get custody. Then you'd find out how much more inexpensive raising a child is than what the courts will require.
2016-05-09 12:33 am
You're an idiot.
2016-05-08 11:51 pm
Because they don't want to help the mother out. They think "let her find the money to feed, clothe and educate them, she'll manage". "I need my money for myself". "They are her responsibility, she gave birth to them". "Let her parents help out, they can afford it". "Kids don't have many expenses, she is just going to spend it on herself". Bytch, she has a new boyfriend, I'm not going to foot the bill".

Do you want more?
2016-05-09 6:25 am
I look at it this way.... it costs thousands of dollars to raise a child to 18 years old. Even when a responsible, working mother receives child support, she is the one who pays for a roof over the child's head, his shoes, clothing, coats, dentists, doctors, transportation to activities, food, the utilities the child uses, personal items for the child, incidentals, and more.

Most mothers are the custodial parent in this day and age, but that is changing at times too. So if a man is the custodial parent, he is going to get child support. It's the law.

In any case, when the child support check comes and it's time for the custodial mom to have her hair done and she uses some of the child support, so what? Or if he Dad uses some of the child support money for a game of golf, he does. It all evens out in the wash. The custodial parent bears the brunt of MOST OF THE EXPENSE for raising the child.

I'm talking about responsible working adults not trailer trash, btw.

I had custody of our son for fourteen years. My ex paid child support. I made sure my son had everything he needed, dental appointments on a regular basis.. ect. I was responsible for getting him to activities, doctors, taking him to school, paying his after school babysitter to pick him up and keep him for two hours until i got home, and more.

This would also apply to a father who has primary custody.

So i don't know what your bitching about.

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