Why does God make us love someone who will never love us back?

2016-05-08 8:43 pm
I'm having some trouble getting over a girl, but no matter how much I try...I cannot seem to get over her.

Which brings me to the question: Why does God make us or let us love someone when they will never return that love.

回答 (15)

2016-05-08 8:52 pm
Why do you assume God had anything to do with it, dude? You fall in love all on your own. Sorry she doesn't feel the same way, but that's the nature of being an adolescent. You'll survive it.
2016-05-08 8:49 pm
The mommy issues are coming off you so much I'm using a welders mask so I don't go blind.
2016-05-08 8:47 pm
You're a male. It's part of your instinctive nature to find someone else to love. Eventually, you will find someone who actually does love you back. Nothing relieves the pain of a failed romance like falling in love all over again. And it's not God who's doing this to you, it's your own hormones.
2016-05-08 8:48 pm
To blame God for your own corruption and selfishness is horribly ugly and sick of mind.
2016-05-08 8:48 pm
That's not true. God is not a matchmaker. Learn to make better choices.

And welcome to the world.
2016-05-08 8:46 pm
I'm sorry this is on you. Search yourself and find out what need you felt she would fulfill. Then realize that you are the one to fulfill the need not another person.
2016-05-08 8:47 pm
Cuz god is a dick?
2016-05-09 4:12 pm
You fell in love, nothing to do with your god. Therefore take your life in your own hands and accept that she does not feel as you do, have a good moan, kick the trash can and move on.
2016-05-09 5:21 am
God doesn't make us love others. He doesn't have anything to do with who we love and don't love. That's all up to us. Get over her and move on. The relationship is no longer. I'm sure she has moved on,
2016-05-09 1:13 am
How first world of you, dude. you're not worried about the millions of people that don't have enough food, shetler or even medical care, you're all consumed with love.
2016-05-09 12:50 am
she has probably seen how you act , and that worries her
2016-05-08 10:13 pm
I think you should blame God for your problems. That way you can avoid all responsibility for your own actions.
2016-05-08 9:21 pm
An imaginary friend can't love you back neither.
2016-05-08 8:56 pm
its mostly hormones trust me ...
2016-05-08 8:51 pm
He doesn`t. You just happened to fall for the wrong person.
2016-05-08 8:50 pm
don't blame god for your problems. god made you he can send you to hell what would you rather have, no love or eternity in hell?

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