Why are people against young men marrying older women?

2016-05-08 2:40 pm
Such as a 30 year old man marrying a 40 year old woman or something like that. Why all the fuss?

@Josh the Alien once your past the age of 18 big age gaps like 10 years 20 years and 30 years is not a issue anymore.


@Swimming in it If it was a 40 year man marrying a 30 year old woman nobody says anything because it's not a issue if the man is 10 years older than the woman.


@ShoeLover not as a weird as it would be the other way round i personally think older women are different too older men when their other half is younger.

回答 (8)

2016-05-08 4:37 pm
Kind of weird.
2016-05-08 4:05 pm
People can mind their own business! Its up to the people concerned and no one else.
2016-05-08 7:50 pm
Ten years isn't that much of a gap. What's the problem? It's not that uncommon in people over 30 or 35. Never heard anyone say they were against this. Except the pre adolescents here on YA, of course.
2016-05-08 5:34 pm
There could be many reasons, but societal norms are probably one of the most important. It also reflects gender stereotypes in that, traditionally, a man is supposed to take care of his spouse and, in order to do that, should be older than her. While there have always been exceptions, these days May-December (younger/older) relationships and marriages for both or either gender are more common, but old habits/customs die hard and that's why some people see this as a cause for fuss.
2016-05-09 3:57 am
Both sexes are surprisingly rigid about ages. After the age of 21, any 10 year difference is suspicious. Women dislike the December-May relationship because they fear young women will take their mates. Maybe not conciously, but I think it does provoke fear. As for women taking younger partners, I can't understand the fear of that at all.
2016-05-08 4:14 pm
His relatives want him to reproduce. Few women over 40 are actually looking forward to raising another baby. For some though.. it's the major goal with a deadline looming. Anybody's guess.
2016-05-10 1:34 pm

Because some people can't mind their own business. If they're both legal consenting adults with an IQ above 85, I don't see the issue.

2016-05-08 2:44 pm
Who would be against that?
I would only be worried if the woman has has multiple divorces already, because you'll just turn out to be a another statistic. Other than that...a 10 year difference isn't much of a big deal when the guy is 30.

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