why didn t Claudette Colvin become famous as Rosa Parks? She was involved in the same bus situastion as Parks?

2016-05-08 2:38 pm

Not only Claudette Colvin, but also Susie McDonald, Mary Louise Smith and Aurelia Browder

回答 (4)

2016-05-08 2:43 pm
For a long time, Montgomery's black leaders did not publicize Colvin's pioneering effort because she was a teenager who was pregnant by a married man; words like "feisty", "mouthy", and "emotional" were used to describe Colvin while her counterpart Parks was seen as calm, well-mannered, and studious. Given the social norms of the time and her youth, the NAACP leaders worried about using her to represent their boycott
2016-05-08 3:56 pm
The Montgomery branch of the ACLU believed that the Colvin case was unsuitable as a test case since Colvin was an unwed mother and had resisted arrest. - Thus they chose Parks (a worker in the ACLU local office) to instigate an incident believing her to be more sympathetic.
2016-05-08 3:47 pm
Rosa Parks had a better Publicity Agent.
2016-05-08 2:40 pm
Parks worked for activists so she had more confidence and connections.

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