Who has caused more suffering throughout history? A. People acting in the name of Atheism? Or B. People acting in the name of Christianity?

2016-05-08 9:17 am

回答 (32)

2016-05-08 10:31 am
B, no one acts in the name of atheism.
2016-05-08 9:22 am
It is numerically awarded to Christianity that is a certainty.

Most of the Religious ( on this site ) will then pursue the old and rusty ''well look at Stalin etc''.

Stalin was a communist and 'forced ' communism which included no Gods.

It was a political demand and shows that infecting law with Religion is very dangerous for everyone.

The crusades and of course the middle ages etc are filled with terrors of Religious war..

Thank you for awarding me best answer earlier x.

2016-05-08 9:20 am
People being bigots and trying to kill the other side is what has caused so much death.
2016-05-08 9:31 am
When the Portuguese came to my friend's place, their existed a christian community, they had their own bibles in Aramaic (language of Jesus), but what they did to them is, they burned (yes burned) those Aramaic bibles!, to give them Latin ones and even killed their christian bishop to enforce Catholicism on the Christians, this is the height of christian madness, they even attack Christians, but they fought the Portuguese out of their homeland. If such treatment by Christians to other Christians, then what is their treatment to non-Christians?
2016-05-08 9:26 am
People ABUSING religion. Note the word abuse.
參考: agnostic
2016-05-08 9:19 am
All dogmas cause suffering because they force beliefs upon others.

Dogmatically religious people are those who think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their "truth" over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right.

Dogmatic religion stems from a psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning. There is a strong impulse in human beings to define ourselves, whether it’s as a Christian, a Muslim, a socialist, an American, a Republican, or as a fan of a sports club. This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty—the feeling that you "know," that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong.

At the root of these impulses is a fundamental anxiety and sense of lack, caused by our sense of being distinct individuals, existing in separation to other people, and a world "out there." This generates a sense of being "cut off," like fragments that were once part of a whole. There is also a sense of vulnerability and insecurity, caused by our insignificance in the face of the world. As a result, we need to "bolster" our sense of self, to strengthen our identity. And religion, and other belief systems, helps us to do this.

Dogmatic religion is dangerous because it creates an in-out group mentality. It encourages people to withdraw empathy and morality from other groups, to see them as inferior and ignorant. Other groups can be seen as general entities, rather than as collections of different individuals. And when two groups are thrown together, with their different beliefs clashing, different beliefs that are an affront because they suggest that their own beliefs may be wrong, conflict and warfare are always close at hand.
2016-05-08 8:21 pm
Silly question. People do not act in the name of 'atheism'. It is not a faith or coded set of beliefs. Therefore yours is a false dichotomy. Christianity is, like Islam and Judaism, essentially a faith of peace but no faith can be blamed for, for example rednecked southern Baptists who could not read a cereal packet correctly let alone a nuanced and challenging book like the Bible.
2016-05-08 8:20 pm
Well, atheism isn't a cause for action to be taken over. The whole point of atheism is the lack of belief concerning religious/spiritual doctrines.

Communism often results in atheistic paradigms when it comes to a state religion(or omission of), but this is due to communism's want for a lack of religious impediment. Communism pushes its communistic ideal (often violently), but atheism has no ideals to push. In fact "atheism" is, by definition, entirly indifferent towards religious thought/institutions.


If a group of atheists were causing suffering by pushing their shared ideals then it would be about something other than atheism.
2016-05-08 1:35 pm
Certainly "Christianity" is the correct answer.
Of course, the question would not be so easy and obvious to answer if you added the qualifier, "in the last hundred years". The history of Christianity is much lengthier, and includes very many more people, than does the history of atheism. If you compared Christianity to any group that was both significantly larger and significantly older than Christianity, you would find that group out-does Christianity in the same department.

SO: I contend that it is the combination of the population and age of a group that is the major factor in determining how much suffering that group has caused throughout history.
2016-05-08 10:55 am
How exactly do you "act" in the name of unbelief in gods? Makes no sense, man.

I don't act in the name of unbelief in fairies either, what the heck.
2016-05-08 10:16 am
That is an excellent argument for misanthropy even without an answer.
2016-05-08 9:49 am
2016-05-08 9:21 am
Here and now are what matter. Right here and right now, this is your trolling that's causing suffering.
2016-05-08 10:20 am
A, of course.
參考: History
2016-05-08 9:19 am
atheism most definetly
2016-05-08 9:40 am
With over 100 million in the last century, atheism.
2016-05-09 11:44 am
In history there have been very few people "acting in the name of atheism", but there have been and still are many people acting in the name of most of the world's religions (including Christianity), and in the name of ideologies such as Communism. And certainly many huge crimes against humanity have been perpetrated in the names of those various religions. Even one sort of Christian has perpetrated huge crimes against other sorts of Christians, simply because they did not worship God in the "right" way.

Atheists tend to "get on with life" without bothering to try to foist their ideas upon people. At least, that is the case in Britain. I think that the whole "atheism" thing seems much more pushed forward in the USA, judging by some of the questions and answers on this site.
2016-05-09 2:40 am
christianity. but i believe that people use christianity has an excuse to inflict pain and suffering upon others
2016-05-09 2:37 am
It is very hard to determine how many people were Atheism as throughout the history in comparison with that of Christianity; for there were lots of people belonging to other religious organizations. Also, it is not easy to realize what kinds of suffering throughout the history; such as by conflict, discrimination, murder or in imprisonment etc. In my opinion, Christianity was the result of reform of the Roman Catholic Church in 16th-century movement,and in that case,I don't know where Roman Catholic was belonged.
2016-05-09 1:50 am
Far more people have been killed in the name of Christianity. Also, gunpowder has killed far more people than nuclear weapons, but that doesn't make the latter something we don't have to worry about.

If you forget these labels and say "intolerance," you have a very great number of people killed.
2016-05-09 1:17 am
Chairman Mao has caused more deaths than all wars involving Christians. And then there is Josef Stalin and Pol Pot.
2016-05-08 11:48 pm
2016-05-08 8:54 pm
Usually it's people, especially rulers seeking wealth, power, pleasure, or honor.
2016-05-08 7:35 pm
Surely christians with cross emblem with the inscription and ´´ God with us´´ on the belt.
2016-05-08 5:57 pm
What are A. People and B. People?
2016-05-08 12:58 pm
(B) for sure but when you add all other forms of theism into the equation there is no comparison because virtually every war that has ever been fought it due to some form of theistic delusion. Hope this helps.
2016-05-08 11:08 am
Neither. People who abuse their freedom are responsible for all the suffering in the world. From its outset, human history attests the wretchedness and oppression born of the human heart in consequence of the abuse of freedom.
2016-05-09 2:00 pm
Debatable really ... Also why only pick Atheism and Christianity ..? There are plenty of religions more bloody than Christianity.

Communists in Russia were mostly atheists and they did some pretty bad stuff to certain religious types you know.

The only real times Christians did anything in the name of Christianity was the crusades. The only unjustified ones of those was the Tuetons invading Lithuania.

The holy land crusades are perfectly justified as just years prior the Muslims had invaded killing all the Christians there.

The Spanish crusades were also justified as the Spanish and Portuguese were kicking the moors out of europe who did the same thing as the Muslims in the middle east.
2016-05-09 1:27 pm
From what I've seen on TV it's A. Islam.. I've been told Islam's god doesn't exist.And what good is a god who says kill in his name and die in his name? I'd rather have a loving God who would send His Son to die for US and if we believe in Him WE won't die and go to hell which I think is a real place. This allah says to kill anyone who doesn't believe the way they do. The Christian God says do not kill and love those who hate you. Turn the other cheek. Of course we protect our families but the Christian way is supposed to be loving and non violent. We treat, or supposed to treat each other equally. No making women wear black sheets or beating them for no reason. It seems to me atheists live in the stone age. Muslims especially. That's just what I've seen on TV.. That's what I've been told. I think it's a shame that they cut off the heads of over 700 people for a stupid reason. And even included CHILDREN. I saw that on TV. So They are atheists and have done the most damage.
2016-05-08 11:52 am
Atheism has killed millions upon millions.
2016-05-08 9:29 am
People acting for themselves and using atheism or Christianity as an excuse. The atheist megalomaniacs of the 20th century killed more people than all who had died violent deaths in previous recorded history - although demographics helped.
2016-05-08 9:52 am
People acting in the name of Atheism

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