Who is the greatest author of all time ? Why?

2016-05-07 3:01 pm
In your opinion

回答 (43)

2016-05-11 3:25 am
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Comic books aren't generally considered to be high art. But Marvel comics has had hundreds of authors publishing dozens of comic books every month for over 50 years. So it's really saying something if one of their stories stands out as the best one. And one does.

They have dozens of movies that all make hundreds of millions of dollars. And once they get past the origin stories, they're all leading up to one big event. The Infinity War. Aka the Infinity Gauntlet. An upcoming 2018 movie about a story written in 1991 by Jim Starlin. The greatest author of all time.
2016-05-07 3:06 pm
Isaac Asimov.

Asimov was prolific and wrote or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 90,000 letters and postcards. His books have been published in 9 of the 10 major categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification.

He is best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books.
The asteroid 5020 Asimov, a crater on the planet Mars, a Brooklyn elementary school, and a literary award are named in his honor.

His fiction and non-fiction is exciting and easy to read.
2016-05-09 2:45 pm
Marion Zimmer Bradley. She died at the age of 49 in 1999 so she didn't quite make fifty and she did not make it to the turn of the century or millenium. But she wrote over fifty brilliant books which bridged the literary and philosophical gap between our time and the past. A lot of her work was set on the fictitious planet Darkover which was colonised by earthlings thousands of years in our future and existed for thousands of years after the colonists lost contact but, due to a warp in the space-time continuum only a few years had passed so, when earth "rediscovered" the planet, their descendants had evolved a society for thousands of years already. In that time, the people on Darkover had developed psychic powers. All of these weird elements gave Bradley an opportunity to explore many social ideas for the reader with a breathtakingly huge perspective. She also wrote one book, "The Mists of Avalon", which was beyond purest genius and definitely crossed the line into true spirituality. The subsequent Avalon books, designed to give that book an historical background, were brilliant yet not "inspired" in that same way.
2016-05-08 9:01 am
There isn't a "greatest author" in my opinion. Every writer contributes to the library of human experience.
"Beware of the person of one book." - Thomas Aquinas
2016-05-07 3:15 pm
Oscar Wilde.
2016-05-09 1:19 am
stephen king. wrote so many different types of books and multiple that were best selling books that also become best selling movies.
2016-05-08 1:37 am
God. He wrote the Book of Life.
2016-05-10 12:33 pm
"Greatest" as in best-selling, or as in "the best" in the opinion of any particular person?
2016-05-10 3:19 am
According to The Guinness Book of Records published in 1997, The world's Top-selling writer of fiction is Agatha Christie (1890-1976), whose 78 crime novels have sold an estimated 2 billion copies in 44 languages.Royalty earnings from her works are estimated to be worth $4.25 million per year.
2016-05-09 9:17 am
William Shakespeare I think.
2016-05-09 8:45 am
I think, the answer to that depends and varies from person to person. Everyone in this world are of different ages and have different likes, most old people don't like books that teenagers read, some teenagers don't like classics, some people love cooking books but others don't and so on. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, the answer varies for each person, because each person will think of a different author whom they love.
2016-05-09 4:36 am
Harper Lee is pretty amazing.
2016-05-08 4:45 pm
no idea, because the is sooooooo many categories or genre of books out there, i haven't read all the books yet, but if i really have to choose, the guys or and girls that wrote the Bible did an amazing job, because its all in one.. just a thought, its not necessarily my opinion,, just saying
2016-05-07 3:23 pm
Hermann Hesse - His best-known works include Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of which explores an individual's search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality. Hesse was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
2016-05-09 9:48 am
No one, they all write too long.
2016-05-08 2:48 pm
George R.R. Martin, because he wrote "A song of Ice and Fire"(best book series ever), and without him Game of Thrones wouldn't exist.
2016-05-08 5:32 am
I think that I would get a lot of votes.
2016-05-08 9:44 pm
the greatest Author of ALL TIME?

prolly te weirdo that wrote The Bible.

theres different versions in different languages
and that weirdo has been ALIVE all this time?

come on now.

who are you?

everybody is OBSESSED with you stories.
2016-05-12 6:49 pm
i think Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov are good non-fiction writers
2016-05-11 4:44 am
People who wrote the Bible. The Bible is the most important book, without it everyone would have crap lives and would go to hell.
2016-05-11 2:42 am
Whomever wrote this in the bible

"You will be pledged to be married to a woman, but another will take her and rape her. You will build a house, but you will not live in it. You will plant a vineyard, but you will not even begin to enjoy its fruit. Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will eat none of it. Your donkey will be forcibly taken from you and will not be returned. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and no one will rescue them. . . . The Lord will afflict your knees and legs with painful boils that cannot be cured, spreading from the soles of your feet to the top of your head."

Deuteronomy 28:30-31,35

After that i'd have to say Shakespeare, the parts he intends to be emotional are emotional to some point. When I first learned that Mercutio died my eyes got moist which was refreshing since my friends and I happened to be stuck in the Sahara.

They spoiled the play for me also.
2016-05-10 8:01 pm
Harper Lee- she was able to write a book that evoked many emotions and was able to bring characters to life in a vivid sense. If she had written more, without a doubt, she would have been considered the greatest writer of all time.
2016-05-10 1:22 pm
He's still one of the most influential people today. We owe part of our language to him, our romantics him, our understanding of history, & modern theatre to him.
2016-05-09 11:32 pm

I'm actually only in the process of reading my first of his novels right now, Tom Sawyer. I only know him for the role that he played in society. News companies would ask him for his opinion on a variety of issues that he had no connection to--just because they knew people wanted to hear what's had to say. He represented the soul of America in many respects. As I understand it, no public figure has stood at the helm of the United States in quite the same way he did. Before or since.

He started out in humorous short stories and ended up being one of the first to write about existentialism. The mysterious stranger would have been a guide to nihilism had he completed it before death. And he began that at the turn of the century, or 15 years before wwi, which supposedly precipitated existential culture.

I admire him, although I really don't have that clear an idea of who he was or what he wrote. But I hope to be like the man who I think he was.
2016-05-09 8:59 pm
terry pratchett
2016-05-09 4:34 pm
Mary O'Hara is the best author of all time. Why? My Friend Flicka, Thunderhead, and Green Grass of Wyoming is a gift to us all.
2016-05-09 3:05 pm
Homer. All fiction works can be traced to or are derivative of the Odyssey and the Iliad.
2016-05-09 9:31 am
Henry Miller wrote literature for those who could see the world thru the shifting philosophical perspectives of Friedrich Nietzsche, who I would be cautious about reading because he can drive you insane.
2016-05-09 6:02 am
Terry Pratchett
2016-05-09 1:47 am
Philip Roth is America’s greatest living author and probably America’s greatest author. His books, by examining the experience of particular people, really teach us the humanity of all people. Characters like Ira Ringold, Nathan Zuckerman, Neal Krugman and others are classics in American literature.
2016-05-08 6:17 pm
Tariq nasheed
2016-05-08 12:31 pm
Arthur schopenhauer the great master himself. Rulling until this day over his grave.
2016-05-08 10:35 am
Tolkien because of the detail of his world. He even created several langauges with different dialects (by himself)!
2016-05-12 2:49 am
jd salinger cuz he wrote the catcher in the rye which is the best book in the world
2016-05-11 10:08 am
Cassandra Clare she's brilliant
2016-05-10 10:14 pm
I'll confine myself to the English language writers, to save myself from the dubious practice of judging the greatness of an author by translations, although very respectable authorities would answer this question "Tolstoy." Others would say, "Dante Alighieri." Still others would say "Homer." I set them all aside.

Anyway, I propose that the greatest fiction (prose) author of all time, among those who wrote or write in English, is William Faulkner. The greatest poet with the same qualification is surely William Shakespeare. The greatest author of non-fiction prose is probably the philosopher/psychologist William James. Why are they all named William? Can't tell you! If some day I figure it out, though, I ... Will.
2016-05-10 6:29 am
Comic books aren't generally considered to be high art. But Marvel comics has had hundreds of authors publishing dozens of comic books every month for over 50 years. So it's really saying something if one of their stories stands out as the best one. And one does.

They have dozens of movies that all make hundreds of millions of dollars. And once they get past the origin stories, they're all leading up to one big event. The Infinity War. Aka the Infinity Gauntlet. An upcoming 2018 movie about a story written in 1991 by Jim Starlin. The greatest author of all time.
2016-05-08 11:19 pm
l go with Homer (who may have been more than one person) because those stories are still in print after so long and still resonate with people. Every few years, you'll see
2016-05-08 3:54 pm
Isaac Newton - Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica describes much of the foundation of the science and math we use.
2016-05-09 4:08 pm
I'll address the reason why. That is because of the best book.
2016-05-09 4:07 am
Sara Shepard
2016-05-08 5:12 am
Cassandra Clare-- author of the Mortal Instruments series (City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls, City of Heavenly Fire). Her writing had me hooked on the first page of book one; her style is intricate, yet simple enough for the common YA fiction lover to have no issue deciphering. Her world of the Shadowhunters and angels is a world I have spent years trying to creat, yet failing every time. Her mind created stories where none lied, gave beauty to dead myths, and somehow managed to make the entire series flow perfectly with one another. Her work of fantasy is one we will soon not forget.
2016-05-09 3:52 pm
Isaac Newton - Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica describes much of the foundation of the science and math we use.
2016-05-08 1:56 pm
John Green. He wrote THE FAULT IN OUR STARS...
2016-05-07 3:03 pm
L. Ron Hubbard.

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