why did my mom get mad at me when I told her I was joininh the army?

2016-05-07 4:48 am
she just got mad and drove off in her car crying. what do I do?

回答 (22)

2016-05-07 5:10 am
She got mad at you because she loves you. Maybe you should go talk to her when she returns. Sounds like you both need it. Explain your decision to her, and hear what she has to say.
2016-05-07 5:02 am
If you don't understand a mothers feeling about this then I feel sorry for you. You obviously are so self centered or blank that you can't empathize with someone else.
2016-05-09 1:07 pm
It's the "death and destruction" part of the military that is the bad part. And that is what upset her. She didn't make a baby and raise him to adulthood to be subjected to death and destruction.
2016-05-08 7:50 am
That's a stupid question... Joining the army = death, never hanging with the fam and friends, writing papers all day, and your mindset will change dramatically... You should read the book, "The things we carry" it is a good book and I advise you to read it because it is very sad, and a horrible feeling.

Joining the army is good, helping out the U.S. But there's a lot of consequences and outputs of that. So choose wisely in your decision ongoing to war or staying with your family, it may be the last of them seeing you...
2016-05-07 4:57 am
Be glad she did not start turning cartwheels and rushing home to pack up your stuff.
Moms get scared when their kids join the army-or any of the armed services.
A friend's son joined the Navy and emailed his dad that they went swimming off their submarine in the middle of the ocean-with a sharpshooter in case of sharks. That's one way to give Dad heart failure.
Then the same kid told Dad he wanted to try for the SEALS. Dad said that, if the training didn't kill him, he would when he got his hands on the boy. He wanted a live son, not a dead hero.
2016-05-07 4:53 am
She loves you and doesn't want you to get hurt. maybe? you should probably explain to her what your reasons are to want to join.
2016-05-10 10:42 pm
She got mad because shes scared of losing you. Shes seen you grow up, her own little baby, joining the army means potentially losing loved one to a bullet or a bomb or magbe even to a knife (in some cases). I should know since my dad has been to Afghanistan(x2) and iraq and honesly not a day went by when I didnt weep for him. But do whats good for YOU, since it is your choice.
2016-05-09 2:06 pm
because of the job
2016-05-09 2:53 am
Some folks are politically active and don't support the current chain of command. Family usually gets over that phase when they see the beneficial changes that happen to a person while in the military. Even if they don't, the beneficial changes usually happen anyways.
2016-05-08 10:39 pm
2016-05-08 7:29 pm
Who knows; maybe she was expecting someone that would know what to do, without BEING TOLD what they HAVE to do. Beside, no mother wants a child cut off in pieces after a deployment into the war zone. Ask her. Maybe you will know afterwards. Share, challenge, learn, prosper and be happy.
2016-05-08 5:06 pm
Have you considered what the president of this country is and what this country stands for anymore I mean damn
2016-05-08 2:34 pm
It msy be the concern about not seeing you;
worry about what may happen to you;
disappointment thst you wish to train as a professional killer;
Or a number of other reasons.
Why not ask?
2016-05-08 3:10 am
It could go against her beliefs or she may be afraid that you'll be killed or get PTSD and be scarred for life.
2016-05-08 2:45 am
She doesnt want to lose you in some fricking war, is why.
2016-05-08 2:34 am
2016-05-08 1:22 am
When someone says that their going into military, it's really difficult. It isn't easy for family and friends, because their worried of what will happen. Plus your going away for long time and it's way different than what your used to. Your mom probably doesn't want to think about her son joining the army, because your her kid she doesn't want to see you get hurt, but just explain to her why you want to join, if it really is something you want to get into than you should do it. A lot of people cry and have an reaction when you decide you want to join in military after all, it isn't like call of duty.
參考: My boyfriend is going into marines, my grandfather was in the army
2016-05-07 5:17 pm
When the bullets are flying by you in Afghanistan maybe you will get it.
2016-05-07 3:45 pm
Because she loves you a lot, and she will worry about you, and she will miss you a lot. She will be happy for you after she realizes that she must let you be a grown up and she will come around to accept your desires, and your dreams, and your wishes to come true. Good Luck
2016-05-07 10:39 am
She wanted you to be a doctor??
2016-05-08 7:12 am
Good luck! Military sucks man. I'm active service navy. And let me tell you get prepared to "loose" a lot of friends from back home and adjust quickly to military life cause its fast paced. But yea u won't have a "home" to go back too or u may not want to later on, and realize ur independent and the people you'll meet will be like a new family. Just saying the truth here
2016-05-07 8:08 pm
Because she doesn't want you dead!!!! She wants you alive. You are going to cause her a great deal of worry and upset, she will be constantly wondering 'is my son alive?'
why not do a safer job. I don't understand why you'd put your mother through that.
2016-05-07 3:55 pm
Sometimes, we mom know our kids better than we know ourselves. If you are the type of person who is likely to not use his head in stressful situations, then you are the very person who will get yourself killed, and possible your fellow soldiers on the battle field. You really don't know why she's upset? Really? Because she's scared. She knows where you're likely to be sent and she wants you to come home safe and sound, not in a box. War is NO GAME! You don't get to reload the level and start over. Once it's over, it's over. What if your mom said SHE was joining the Military? How would YOU feel about it? Would you be excited or worried that she may get killed? If you have to be told why your MOTHER would be upset about her child going to war, then You clearly lack empathy, the ability to put yourself in another's shoes and understand how they are feeling. Wars should not be fought by people who cannot and will not have compassion for others. That's not a soldier. That's a murderer. Maybe you need to reevaluate YOUR REASONS for wanting to join the military. If it's so you can go to war, then you are unsuitable for military duty anyway, because the military's mission is NOT about making war, it's about preserving peace. If you want to join because you think joining is going to give you some amazing benefits, college tuition, a pay check, then you better do more research and learn the FACTS. Do NOT ask your recruiter. He/She WILL lie to you to get you to put your name on that paper. You are just an other signature to them, You are just one step closer to getting out of the recruiters office for them, nothing else. NOTHING ELSE. If you want to do it to impress people, then you are severely immature and not ready for what you will experience as a soldier. Go do your research. If you care about your mother, then talk to her, do NOT argue your point. Talk. LISTEN to her and ask her to Listen to you. Don't be a disrespectful brat to her about this.

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