Help!? Abandoned newborn kitten?

2016-05-07 3:24 am
So My cat just gave birth to a kitten and abandoned it.. I just cut the placenta and all, but what do I do now? What can I give it for milk tonight? It s late at night and all stores are closed...

回答 (7)

2016-05-07 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bottle Feed It
Most emergency formulas are not nutritionally balanced for a kitten, so you should feed your kittens emergency formula for only as long as it takes you to get some kitten milk replacement formula -- hopefully no more than 24 hours. Mix 1 ounce each of condensed milk, water and plain yogurt with an egg yolk to make a quick and easy emergency formula with common pantry items. Warm this formula for a minute in the microwave and allow it to cool until it is feels comfortable when you place a drop or two on the inside of your wrist; don't serve the formula too hot, as it could burn your little one. and dont forget if your kitten is cold dont feed it warm the cat up first you can tell if its mouth or ears are cold warm it up with a blanket and hold it close to the warmth of your body. Hope this helps and best of luck to you
2016-05-07 2:33 pm
There is a reason why this kitten was left - its likely to die or be sick. A newborn kitten will not take to a bottle - they are likely to need tube feeding. And they don't have the colustrum from mom either. You cannot give it cow's milk - it will get sick and die.

I suggest you try to get the mother to accept the kitten - just cause you cut the cord doesn't mean the mother cat will not care for it. Did she have more kittens?
2016-05-07 4:59 am
you will have to use an eyedropper or a special syringe to feed it. they make kitten milk to buy.
2016-05-07 3:27 am
You should contact a vet.
2016-05-07 3:37 am
Eat it. Kitten is delicious
2016-05-07 4:15 am
Do you not have a WalMart in your area? You can buy special kitten milk there.
2016-05-07 1:35 pm
Eat it.

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