How to deal with parents fighting?

2016-05-06 10:25 pm
I'm 15 years old with parents who sometimes fight and I can't stand it, I asked both my parents if they could stop fighting and they both agreed and a few weeks later they went back to fighting and I'm getting scared that they might finally separate, how can I deal with my parents who fight most of the time?

回答 (6)

2016-05-06 10:34 pm
Have you any grandparents or other relatives you can talk to? How about a school counsellor?

If everyone read relationships books such as Dr Phil McGraw's excellent book, Relationship Rescue the world would be much happier! (I wish I got commission, as I recommend it to so many people!). As he writes in the book, it isn't only for people whose relationships are in trouble. There are plenty of other books, of course.

See if you can persuade your parents to buy a copy: ask them if your happiness is worth buying and reading a book. Such emotional blackmail is acceptable under these circumsatances. If you can't buy it, perhaps your grandparents will.

Good luck!
2016-05-06 10:27 pm
I'd love it if I could talk to you seeing as I am going through a similar situation and same age
2016-05-06 10:26 pm
You should go to a counsellor about this
2016-05-07 5:35 am
maybe you should call cps, you shouldnt have to live in a warzone
2016-05-06 10:40 pm
Don't get involved. You already asked them, so just let them work it out on their own.
2016-05-06 10:26 pm
not your business

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