do you respect older people?

2016-05-06 10:20 pm

回答 (406)

2016-05-07 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I respect receive respect you must give it,as matter who you are or, how old you are.~*
2016-05-07 8:44 am
I am Over 80 No i Have little respect for People Over 60 all they do is complain

I went to my Local seniors center with a View of Joining

only to see a bunch of Geriatrics sitting around doing Nothing one Young 60 year old said You are To Old to be Riding Motorcycles i said why i am not dead yet

I left i might go back when i am 100 i should Fit In Nicely By then
2016-05-07 9:00 pm
Yes I have respect for older people and I have respect for others too I was raised and taught manners at a early age to treat others the way I would want to be treated
2016-05-06 10:26 pm
Yes I have always respected older people .
2016-05-07 3:51 pm
No, respect has to be earned. I guess living 65+ years was impressive back in pre industrial times, but now in the 21rst century it is not much of an accomplishment.

Try winning a gold medal at the Olympics or doing 50+ push ups in under a minute. Those are things worthy of respect!


my apologies, i wasn't implying that older people should be disrespected. I just feel that for an individual to have more respect from me than others they have to have accomplished something that makes them stand out. I do believe in treating everyone equally though.

2016-05-06 11:54 pm
Usually, yes. Like respecting others in order to be treated the way you would want to be treated. Such as my colleagues and instructors. But if a person in higher authority feels like their age should be so important to a point where they use it as an excuse to get you to do whatever they want, I wouldn't. For example, if a snotty old coop acts like a total child and demonstrates poor behavior and still demands for you to honor them. You have to do something worthwhile to make me REALLY respect you. This doesn't just go for older people, this goes for everyone. A lazy person who does absolutely nothing in their entire life can't earn my respect. That's unfair to the people who actually did something to earn it. Anyone can be old. True respect is not given, it's earned.
2016-05-07 4:46 am
Yes I have always respected older people ,I think everybody should respect olders.
2016-05-07 3:15 pm
I am an older people (80 next month) and yes I respect them.
2016-05-08 11:59 am
Yes i respect older people. person even just a few years older than me at work has been here longer and likely has more experience. I don't want to break any ties by being anything less than respectful.
A person somewhat older than myself may be nearing the age of my parents. I respect them because they may remind me of my parents, whom I respect greatly.
A person somewhat older than my parents may be nearing retirement and has a life of work behind them. Their experience and knowledge may be valuable, and I should look to them as someone who built the world I live in.
A senior citizen deserves my respect because they need more support from the community, given that they are often slower, have less mobility, and are nearing the age of a grandparent, which leaves many folks thinking, "Would I want my grandparent treated this way?"
A person who is very old and fragile deserves respect because they are reaching the end of their life and someone my age has much left to live -- the least I can do is be respectful, kind, and if possible, do what I can to not cause any additional pain or harm to their life.
2016-05-06 10:21 pm
I respect people who deserve respect. Some old people can be very rude, I don't respect that.
2016-05-06 10:25 pm
I respect old age, but depends on each, if, deserve to be respected
2016-05-06 10:25 pm
Very much, especially war veterans.
2016-05-07 8:16 am
2016-05-09 4:50 am
I respect mature people. Older people get the benefit of the doubt from me because I don't know what they've been through.

But as I get older, it's easier for me to see how people who are overly hard nosed to the world are just lazy pieces of sh it who feel entitled to things I am not entitled to. So they are just lying and yelling at people hoping they can get anything they want.

For certified lazy douche bags, I like to get in their way and make them react because of all the people they obviously have caused the ruining of their day. I enjoy watching entitled little bit ch girly adults freak out because they couldn't cut me or someone else off. Or when they want to just cut people in line and I help form the line around them so they have to wait twice.

Mature people are one thing. People with years don't mean squat because their minds never evolve.
2016-05-08 5:08 am
I respect some who have earned respect. If I don't know them or even if I do I show them the same respect I would to anyone else. Some I know too well to have a lot of respect for how they lived but some I have to assume are respectable. Some have lived amazing lives of adventure and wars and hardships but many haven't really done anything. Some held jobs and lived without really doing much beyond getting by not doing anything to prepare for retirement then expect others to support them. I know one lady would is about 85 now who had 7 kids without marriage, the state took the first 3 then she had 4 more with a man she didn't marry. Her daughter took her to apply for SS when she was ready and she had never worked or been married so now lives with an old sick man and when he dies her kids will need to support her or the government. I can't respect her for not taking care of herself in any way ever or the father of her kids for not marrying her before having them or at least after the first couple. He was my dad's cousin and it is as much on him as her for the lack of marriage. I know many other elders I don't respect too like my boyfriend's parents who didn't raise him. Sent him to a children's home because they didn't want him when he was about 8, his mom had a baby with every man she married and failed to raise the first 2. I treat these woman well anyhow but don't really respect them.
2016-05-07 4:34 pm
2016-05-07 4:31 am
2016-05-07 4:57 pm
2016-05-07 4:43 pm
Respect has to be earned. Even if its older people, a bit like my parents who are bullies. Who are always telling me to respect them when they don't respect me. I think saying you are an adult is an easy way to gain respect just because they are older, when all they do is insult and bully the youth.
2016-05-07 8:10 pm
Some old people are too mean to get respect. Other old people are very nice to everyone. I don't think what they accomplished in life should matter. A person gets respect when they give respect.
2016-05-07 5:26 pm
Respect is earned. There are horrible older people out there.
2016-05-07 2:42 pm
No, why would I respect someone just because they've been a loser for 40 years longer than I have?
2016-05-08 9:52 pm
Yes they get an initial token of respect from me for being old but some old people are just old and when they show that there is no wisdom then I lose all respect , and around here it happens quite often.. I mean I traveled the world over 10 times, learned 4 languages, did about 100 different jobs, had about 5 different careers and am constantly learning new things just because I can't stay still..and here you get some people that just did the same old thing every day of their life for 80 years. And then they think they know more than you even if they have never tried to improve themselves or to achieve wisdom just because they never cared. No respect at all for those, just contempt. And if they are ignorant AND arrogant, (meaning they ignore and are too arrogant to know it) then they can even be detrimental to the proper development of the young people around them who respect them just because their bodies are old and wrinkly. They end up emulating them and so more idiots come to be.
2016-05-08 5:12 pm
Speaking AS a 67-year old ...
I respect SOME older people.
While it is true that wisdom comes from experience, some people just ossify as they grow older. By becoming rigid, they fail to grow or gain wisdom.

At the same token, very very few people under the age of 40 have wisdom at all. But SOME are at least WORKING on it, and I respect them for that.
I have, in my 67 years, known only 3 people under the age of 40 who have some wisdom, and I suspect they were born that way (not quoting Lady Gaga here).

Wisdom, btw, is an understanding about human nature, about life, about one's self .. and entails a certain ability to both see with clarity, and to relax anyway. People become rigid when they are afraid to see.
2016-05-08 12:31 pm
Yes I have always respected older people
2016-05-07 5:08 pm
2016-05-07 10:03 pm
Do you RESPECT Older people ? perhaps you should have given YOUR definition of RESPECT we might have different definitions

Ok to me Respect means you find a QUALITY trait or Behavior in another Human being that you ADMIRE or would wish to EMULATE . .

. so each person has their own personality . AGE is not a personality only the Number of years you have lived you can be 70 and been the most unpleasant person ever have a history of beating your children and your wife . a thief or a rapist or a CON ARTIST

Who was that guy that swindles people out of their money Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme he is 78 years old should i RESPECT him because he is 78 ? NO

. I might be more likely to be CONSIDERATE or helpful and open the door for you or carry a bag for you because your having difficulty . based on your physical state ( i am 63 ) i have seen 90 year olds in great shape and need no assistance ( been a nurse for 40 years seen all kinds of traits in people regardless of age )

my granny died at 98 independent she never saw herself as old and would smack you up the side of the head with her big hand bag without a second thought as she said " I am a the boss " a real dictator I am a equality person myself

people tend to apply definitions or meaning to words of their own making

. am i more Empathetic or considerate to people older than me it is BASED on their actual CONDITION than "actual AGE " same consideration i would give to someone with a disability that is EMPATHY related NOT RESPECT or ADMIRATION to EMULATE I consider your NEEDS as a human being and have No INTENT to harm you nor degrade you

But if you have the Intent to use your age or status as an authoritarian I question that

one can be in a POSITION of authority and not necessarily have good Traits or character

dictators are in a position of authority and not treat people with fairness or be just or caring

finally how do you Know HOW old someone is you can have a 60 year old next to a 70 year old and the 60 year old may have had a hard life physically and look 80 and i have seen 70 year old who look 50

old is DESCRIPTIVE AGE is a NUMBER of YEAR not necessarily a reflection of your CHARACTER so if Hitler was alive today and age 99 would you RESPECT HIM ? i would be CONSIDERATE of his human needs as a fellow human beings are there traits he exhibited that i would wish to emulate None i can think of
2016-05-09 5:33 pm
If they have earned my respect. Being old doesn't automatically mean being more experienced or wise, I speak from experience of encounters. Obviously I'll be polite but that's just common manners. Until I get a reason to respect them, I don't truly respect anyone.
2016-05-09 12:50 pm
Yes, they are my elders and deserve my respect.
2016-05-09 7:44 am
This is just me. I automatically respect the elderly (70+) unless certain ones personally give me a reason to not respect them. However, I don't automatically respect people only a few years older than me.
參考: I'm almost 20
2016-05-09 4:52 am
I respect some, and some, I don't when they're being old mean cünts.

I had an old man try to hit me with his stick because I bumped a little bit into him by accident. I apologized but he still tried to hit me. I grabbed his stick and threw it and gave him a little push. He did fall and I ran off.

That's what you get old man.
2016-05-09 1:52 am
If they warrant respect, yes, but I won't respect someone just because they're older than me. You have to earn that. That being said, I won't disrespect them either. I just need to know them better before deciding if I respect them.
2016-05-08 11:09 pm
I respect them if they earn my respect. Not just because they are older. If an older person treats me like crap, I have no respect for that person. Or if an older person hurts another person, I have no respect for that person. Respect is not a gift, you have to earn it. And you don't earn it just by being older.
2016-05-08 10:34 pm
NO. I respect whoever respects me, because i'm not that hard to gain respect from
2016-05-08 9:05 pm
speaking as a 15 year old, yes
2016-05-08 8:53 pm
depends how old we're talking. I respect the elderly, but only if they're nice to me. Usually when I'm walking do the street I do get a few weird looks by old people, since my wardrobe mostly consists of black. I only respect them if they return the respect to me. though some older people believe that them being older gives them more 'privilege,' and that's what gets on my nerves the most.
2016-05-08 7:25 pm
Yes, definitely. I think to myself that one day I will be old. What would life be like if we didn't respect anyone?
2016-05-08 5:55 pm
Yes always my friend,Remember they went through a world war for all of us too.
2016-05-08 5:20 pm
I was always told to respect older people when I was young and only lost respect, for some people, when I was not so young and could see that some did not deserve automatic respect. In my mid 70s I still respect others who deserve respect, no matter what their age.
2016-05-08 4:58 pm
I always try to show respect to older people when I am around them as I realise most of them are wiser than I am in certain areas of life. However I have found some seem to have an inflated sense of self-entitlement and some are downright rude. Once I tried to help an elderly man at church with his trolley as he looked to be struggling, he loudly said "I will ask for help when I need help". Could have said "No thank you".

Bottom line, to me respect is earned. If they are rude to me, then I shall be rude to them. If they are nice to me, I shall be nice to them. This goes for all ages. It forms the basis of most social relationships. You don't just get respect handed to you on a plate. Students and teenagers don't, why should the elderly?
2016-05-08 4:44 am
Yes. I try.
2016-05-08 1:53 am
Of couse I do!
2016-05-08 1:29 am
I respect everybody (young or old) as long as they show me respect aswell
2016-05-08 1:02 am
I hold the same respect for older people than I do with the younger generation.
2016-05-07 10:49 pm
Depends on their attitude
2016-05-07 8:58 pm
If there nice
2016-05-07 7:38 pm
I feel sorry for them.
2016-05-07 7:32 pm
Yes, I respect everyone.
2016-05-07 7:03 pm
I respect everybody.
2016-05-07 5:55 pm
2016-05-07 5:49 pm
Respect people who show you respect, if elders show me respect I do respect them, If they don't then don't, I had a foul mouthed old neighbor, I never knew a single child that respected him, but I do respect all nice old people. Show respect to get respect.
2016-05-07 5:25 pm
I am Muslim so coming from that background, respecting your parents and elders plays a big role in your eman (faith).
2016-05-07 5:03 pm
Of course
2016-05-07 3:49 pm
I respect people who has earned my respect their age is irrelevant.
2016-05-07 3:04 pm
It actually depends.
I was once ridding my bike in the park, and an old lady (around 60) came to me when i was not on my bike, and started shouting "GET OUT OF THE PARK, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO RIDE HERE"
I looked at her, she was filming me, so i told her "it is a free country" she started shouting, yelling at me even louder. I was so confused.
Just after 2 minutes, another person rode his bike past the lady, she said nothing to him, after a couple of seconds, another kid rode his bike past her. She said nothing to him either, but just shouted at me, she wasn't even working there, she was just a random person. To be honest she was kinda creepy too.

So i couldn't keep it, and told her to....."F**** off"

That was the only time when i did not respect an older person, and i hope it is the last.
2016-05-07 10:50 am
Depends on the kind of person they are
2016-05-07 9:48 am
2016-05-07 9:27 am
Yes , Bastian . I respect ppl no matter what age they are ( considering that they are not mean ppl )
2016-05-07 8:26 am
Yup you gotta
2016-05-07 7:16 am
yes but i am the older person lol
2016-05-07 6:18 am
i don't respect all old people because some can be d**ks or a**holes at times, and they think they can treat us like that because they are just "older and wiser" and because they lived longer but that's not the case with me,... i treat everybody the same---i respect them and if old people disrespect younger people because they are young and "ignorant" i call the old people ignorant for not keeping an open mind that maybe just maybe young people are not ignorant but different from the "GET THE SWITCH BILLY"era or the "EAT YOUR DINNER OR I'LL SPANK YOU" era, don't get me wrong i know or knew a lot of the most respectful open minded kind people on earth that are old and i respected them as if they respect me..... so in conclusion F***K respecting your elders and respect everybody if they respect you if they don't respect you just remember there probably Hitler loving get the switch billy mentality, self centered disrespectful hypocritical a**holes... i probably went too far with this one but whatevs
參考: living in the same house with my grandma
2016-05-07 3:27 am
2016-05-07 1:54 am
All of the nice ones
2016-05-07 12:37 am
2016-05-07 12:21 am
absolutely yes, I love being around them
2016-05-07 12:14 am
2016-05-06 10:35 pm
2016-05-06 10:35 pm
2016-05-06 10:31 pm
Yes, except for back in middle school I wouldn't necessarily say that i did.
2016-05-06 10:24 pm
Yes i have grandparents
2016-05-06 10:21 pm
2016-05-06 10:20 pm
Absolutely. They have the best stories to tell. The stuff they have lived through is unbelievable
2016-05-08 5:24 pm
Yes I have lots of respect for older people always have and always will
2016-05-06 10:21 pm
2016-05-07 1:23 pm
2016-05-07 6:42 pm
Yes. All my life I have grown up in the care of elders. That is why I respect them. Most of them are caring and wise and I think that is possibly why I have grown to sound like a 42 year old scientist when I'm actually a 15 year old student
2016-05-07 2:51 pm
I always respect older people they deserve respect
2016-05-07 8:45 am
I respect people, I don't disrespect them because they are the same age or younger. How many days automatically warrants respect?

Hitler, I don't regard as a person (he could of been a alive during my life time!) Harold Shipman I probably would of respected before I knew what he was up to.
2016-05-08 3:29 am
I am Over 80 No i Have little respect for People Over 60 all they do is complain

I went to my Local seniors center with a View of Joining

only to see a bu7nch of Geriatrics sitting around doing Nothing one Young 60 year old said You are To Old to be Riding Motorcycles i said why i am not dead yet

I left i might go back when i am 100 i should Fit In Nicely By then
2016-05-10 7:56 pm
young disrespectful whippersnappers, I tell ya ! Need their A$$E$ whooped !!!
2016-05-09 11:12 pm
Not so much anymore. I give respect, until I see he kind of person you are. The older people around me now are from the boomer era, and I have no respect for the ones I'm around.
1) They are mean spirited, liars, manipulative and extremely self-centered.
2) Complain day in and day out yet do nothing to improve things
3) The majority I've known are pill poppers and/or hypochondriacs
4) Most have been married & divorced numerous times, and abandoned their children for selfishness. Creating the next gen of broken family's.
5) They act like they aren't lazy, yet spend 85% of their time either complaining or talking about themselves (me, me, me)

Like I said, I'm around them the majority of my life. They play head games, try to control things and think they are the greatest people that have walked the planet. I have no respect for people with little moral compass or people like them - elders or not.

I do have respect for my Grandma's generation or at least my Grandma, she was good people with good values. She and her siblings were the polar opposite of the boomers I'm around.
2016-05-09 10:38 pm
2016-05-09 10:11 pm
I do, if they are not rude. Then I'm not nice anymore.
2016-05-09 10:07 pm
2016-05-09 10:00 pm
yes of course, they are alot more experienced in this world than we are and us younger people could probably use their advice. also, i respect them just like any other person in this world.
2016-05-09 9:50 pm
I do, yes, as long as they are not impolite
2016-05-09 9:05 pm
2016-05-09 9:04 pm
Yes! To a point,if they have an attitude of some sort and try to take it out on me,I kill them.
2016-05-09 8:57 pm
2016-05-09 8:51 pm
Yes I do.
2016-05-09 8:46 pm
2016-05-09 8:36 pm
Yes, I have always been taught to respect the elderly, and contrary to popular opinion I don't consider a 65 year old elderly. People do not age the way they used to --- But, if I personally see someone abusing, being disrespectful, or trying to scam an old person in a public place. I WILL speak up, and LOUD.

Hey, always treat your children good, they are the ones that will pick your nursing home!

My elderly mother lived in my home until she passed away. And it was a tremendous blessing to have her.
I miss her everyday....Chybíš mi mámu. : (
2016-05-09 8:33 pm
I respect those who respect me
2016-05-09 8:09 pm
Depends on who they are.
2016-05-09 7:53 pm
As long as they respect me I will respect them. The fact that they are old doesn't mean they are better than me in any way so I deserve the same respect.
2016-05-09 7:38 pm
Yes of course all my life. They have already been there and done that so we can learn from their experiences !
2016-05-09 7:25 pm
No. They haven't earned my respect just because they've managed not to die yet. Their age doesn't make them better than me.
2016-05-09 6:38 pm
No. I have ZERO respect for my elders because they devalued and treat me bad
2016-05-09 6:24 pm
2016-05-09 6:18 pm
Yes, respect is one of the biggest things in my culture. Especially to the elderly
2016-05-09 5:51 pm
Yes I do
2016-05-09 5:49 pm
I respect people for their good character, not their age.
2016-05-09 5:09 pm
I respect any body that sells me crystal meth
2016-05-09 4:53 pm
I was born in 1952 and I feel like you should respect me since the 1900's is over. I also have a lot of friends who are my age, I respect them because they still live like President McKinley is office.
2016-05-09 4:53 pm
Well, I certainly don't disrespect them.
2016-05-09 4:52 pm
2016-05-09 4:45 pm
Yes, if they deserve it.
2016-05-09 4:24 pm
Depends if they respect me.
2016-05-09 4:22 pm
2016-05-09 4:12 pm
Yes, as they deserve it.
2016-05-09 3:59 pm
Is there anyone older than me????
2016-05-09 3:41 pm
fur sure
2016-05-09 3:38 pm
Be nice to them
2016-05-09 2:34 pm
2016-05-09 2:19 pm
I adore older people and like them more than people my own age and younger. They see the truth about the changes in the world through the obsessions of technology, and they hate the lack of communication in the world today. I'll take a grumpy older person kvetching over a younger person walking down the street with their head lowered, reading that idiot box that fits in their hand.
2016-05-09 2:11 pm
Of course !!
2016-05-09 2:06 pm
yes. of course.. :)
2016-05-09 1:53 pm
they drive too slow
2016-05-09 1:16 pm
Yes if they take themselves seriously
2016-05-09 1:10 pm
Old people are really just kids with wrinkles. And once you grasp that concept it's easier to see them as human beings. With thoughts and feelings and fears and dreams and so on. Just like everyone else. Whether we respect someone or not should have nothing to do with the body they're in.
2016-05-09 1:09 pm
I they are not in the crazy stage of life and old does not always mean wise stupid people do not get wise ever
2016-05-09 12:38 pm
Yeah I care for them
2016-05-09 11:58 am
2016-05-09 11:47 am
Yes always. even if they are my enemy.
2016-05-09 11:34 am
Generally yes, but it's true that some older people don't deserve respect
2016-05-09 11:19 am
Depends on their character, if they're good I respect them but if they're bad or unreasonably close minded I don't respect them
2016-05-09 11:15 am
2016-05-09 10:05 am
Yes,i always respect the older people.
2016-05-09 9:27 am
Yes we do
2016-05-09 9:24 am
Yes, everyone should respect older people.
2016-05-09 8:47 am
2016-05-09 8:42 am
i do respect the old people
2016-05-09 8:23 am
Very much so
2016-05-09 8:16 am
Yes. they are more experience and successful to younger.
2016-05-09 8:07 am
yes who deserve it
2016-05-09 7:37 am
Yes, but.. I will generally respect who ever respects me
2016-05-09 7:20 am
Yes the ones who are really understanding current generation and situation.. And really responsible ones not stupid and foolish one.. (like old generation behaviour or arguments) and not the too much taking ones..
2016-05-09 7:00 am
of course i do!
2016-05-09 6:24 am
2016-05-09 6:16 am
No. Why would someone respect someone just because of their age?
I respect people that deserve it.
2016-05-09 6:14 am
2016-05-09 6:07 am
Yes I respect my elders.
2016-05-09 5:49 am
i respect anyone who respects me!.. irrespective of their age..
2016-05-09 4:45 am
Yessssss there amazing
2016-05-09 4:30 am
2016-05-09 3:41 am
Depends on who it is
2016-05-09 3:34 am
yes, but there are some that are too perverted, see i dont know how to telll the difference, but when they start getting all friendly i put a stop to that s h i t
2016-05-09 3:21 am
ya i always respeck em
2016-05-09 3:03 am
2016-05-09 2:54 am
Yes, if they treat me with respect. If not, well then it's a big "f**k you too!"
2016-05-09 2:42 am
I was taught to. I try my best to respect elders. Sometimes they misunderstand me when I try to be nice to them and mistake it for being rude but I'm the kind of person that doesn't have to try much when it comes to being nice to elders.
2016-05-09 2:10 am
I have basic respect for everyone, but if they don't respect me I withdraw my respect. Doesn't matter how old you are.
2016-05-09 1:31 am
yes, I always listen to what my elders have to say, but I am not beyond challenging certain viewpoints, regardless of age.
2016-05-09 1:18 am
I try to respect all people regardless of age. I slip up when some people are ignorant or/and down right rude.
2016-05-09 12:17 am
yes you have to its a nice thing to do
2016-05-09 12:15 am
I try to but sometimes they can act really horrible and immature even when you're not being an a$$hole to them.
2016-05-09 12:12 am
Only if they deserve my respect, as I do with anybody!...
2016-05-08 11:59 pm
It's hard to respect someone who's naive and always criticize you for dumb shít.
2016-05-08 11:29 pm
2016-05-08 11:25 pm
More than I have for kids... Especially modern kids....

I hate those spoiled little punks

Especially when they ***** about their Christmas gifts on Twitter...
2016-05-08 11:08 pm
Of course.
2016-05-08 10:30 pm
yes always
2016-05-08 10:06 pm
2016-05-08 9:54 pm
Yes definitely
2016-05-08 9:48 pm
Yes, of course and it is because of their contributions to our commuities
2016-05-08 9:02 pm
I respect them if they're a good person, I wouldn't respect someone like Trump just because he's older then me.
2016-05-08 9:02 pm
Nope! I'm am an older person and I don't respect nobody in this country except my family members.
2016-05-08 8:45 pm
Yes I do, but only if they hold the same respect for me.
2016-05-08 7:21 pm
2016-05-08 7:20 pm
Depends if they show me respect.
參考: Respect ain't just given, it's earned. Peace and love. Be lucky.
2016-05-08 7:11 pm
Yes, of course.

Why wouldn't you?
2016-05-08 7:09 pm
of course
2016-05-08 7:01 pm
2016-05-08 7:00 pm
2016-05-08 6:50 pm
Yes why not?
2016-05-08 6:46 pm
Yes. I'm 14 and the other day I was out shopping in my local centre and I was by myself and sat down on a bench and then this lovely old lady came and sat beside me and started cracked jokes. she was there eating her ice cream whilst saying how much of a rip off it was, she generally was hillarious, she then told me that she'd been feeling a bit under the weather and alone after her shoulder operation and that I brightened her day up. I told her have a blessed day and off she went. Old people are humans too and were youthful like us once and some people forget that, they deserve upright respect. There's been many occasions like that. There was a man at my nanas nursing home who was friends with my nana and on the day of my nanas funeral me and him walked down the canal and fed the ducks, like me and my nana use too. Also my grandparents were great and I miss them. Next time you see an old person be nice because you never know what amazing stories they could have to tell.
2016-05-08 6:36 pm
2016-05-08 6:34 pm
I do
2016-05-08 6:17 pm
Yes, but only if they are worthy of my respect.
2016-05-08 6:11 pm
Of course
2016-05-08 5:36 pm
Yes I respect elder people very much and expect I will be respected in my old days.
That's all.
2016-05-08 5:25 pm
2016-05-08 5:11 pm
Respect must be earned
2016-05-08 4:48 pm
2016-05-08 4:44 pm
Yes. The Vikings has a saying; do not insult the old in case they have something wise to say.
2016-05-08 4:32 pm
Ones that deserve it.
2016-05-08 4:00 pm
Muhammad - of Islam- peace be upon him said:
The Prophet peace be upon him said:
"He does not belong to us who does not show mercy to our young ones and respect to our old ones, who does not recommend what is reputable and prohibit what is disreputable (Tirmidhi).

This is Muhammad, this is Islam~
2016-05-08 3:40 pm
Yep !
2016-05-08 3:15 pm
No, age is nothing to me but a number of the earth's journey around the sun that they witnessed
2016-05-08 3:12 pm
as long as they respect me! If they're rude to me, I'll still try to give them respect, but it will be very hard, and very minimal.
2016-05-08 3:07 pm
Yes, of course
2016-05-08 3:04 pm
Some of them. Respect is regardless of age. You don't automatically become a saint cause you're old
2016-05-08 3:01 pm
Not always
2016-05-08 2:43 pm
Yes, because I respect everybody. In my opinion it doesn't matter if X person is a kid, a teenager, an adult or an older. We have to respect everybody.
2016-05-08 2:36 pm
2016-05-08 2:30 pm
i respect them even if they was so nervous and anger
2016-05-08 2:28 pm
2016-05-08 2:15 pm
Of course. Not just because they are older but they had lived longer and experienced so much and gained so much wisdom - surely they have historical stories to share!
2016-05-08 1:57 pm
2016-05-08 1:51 pm
of course yes, its like asking do you respect your parents or your grandparents
2016-05-08 1:49 pm
2016-05-08 1:40 pm
2016-05-08 1:30 pm
I'm thankful for all the 'thumbs up'.
2016-05-08 12:35 pm
As a rule, I do.
2016-05-08 12:14 pm
2016-05-08 11:50 am
I respect everyone as they each have their own stories to tell
2016-05-08 11:44 am
Yes. I respect the aged.
2016-05-08 11:30 am
depends on the person not age
2016-05-08 11:25 am
Yes because some day we will be old too.
2016-05-08 11:01 am
2016-05-08 10:48 am
2016-05-08 10:34 am
i do but Based on his/her maturity and character.
2016-05-08 10:22 am
Yes & we all must...whatever they may be...but they r elder than u shall keep a respect:)
2016-05-08 10:00 am
Yes :D
2016-05-08 9:54 am
2016-05-08 9:18 am
old peopel means overaged persons expects respect and love form juniors/ al youngters shoudl give respect n love to elders / thier blessings is necesary fo rour future
2016-05-08 9:07 am
Older people should always be respected. They've seen more than anyone else. They know more.
2016-05-08 9:05 am
Yes, and I honestly hate people who are rude.
2016-05-08 8:54 am
2016-05-08 8:45 am
I believe in "Give respect and take respect".
so if any old man respect me, i respect him/her.
2016-05-08 8:43 am
Yes If they respect me as well!
2016-05-08 8:11 am
Yes. I do.
2016-05-08 7:32 am
Some l do, some l do not
2016-05-08 7:10 am
depends if they respect me back
2016-05-08 6:57 am
2016-05-08 6:47 am
It depends on what they themselves are like
2016-05-08 6:45 am
If they don't irritate me, yes
2016-05-08 6:44 am
most definitely
2016-05-08 6:42 am
2016-05-08 6:06 am
Most of them :)
2016-05-08 5:58 am
I try to be patient with them, but I also wonder how they can engage in stuff that they can't really do efficiently and have no twinge of conscience.

Even ordinary, young people are humble about trying to do stuff they're incapable of.
2016-05-08 5:57 am
2016-05-08 5:53 am
2016-05-08 5:47 am
2016-05-08 5:35 am
2016-05-08 5:32 am
Yes. Always
2016-05-08 5:16 am
If they respect me.
It's a two-way street.
2016-05-08 5:14 am
2016-05-08 4:55 am
all people on earth get old. we will all get old like all people on earth.

"""" WE ARE ADVANCED APES ON THE 3RD PLANET OF THE SUN"""" science professor stephen hawking.

1. we are advanced apes.

2. we live on the 3rd plane of the sun. sun is part of the universe.
2016-05-08 4:42 am
2016-05-08 4:36 am
Yes I do
2016-05-08 4:28 am
If they respect me, I'll respect them.
2016-05-08 4:23 am
Yes, but I will not say they are right on everything, nor am I

Older people were more racist than we are today
2016-05-08 4:20 am
2016-05-08 4:16 am
I respect senior citizens
2016-05-08 3:58 am
2016-05-08 3:40 am
I do but some I don't because their mean
2016-05-08 3:15 am
2016-05-08 3:11 am
2016-05-08 2:28 am
Of course I do. Older people are some of the wisest people in the world today. They're full of wisdom and experience.
2016-05-08 2:20 am
only if they respect me respect is earned
2016-05-08 1:54 am
Yes. Honor everyone
2016-05-08 1:48 am
No you have to earn that **** regardless of age
2016-05-08 1:16 am
yes....but I find it unfair when they don't respect back
2016-05-08 1:14 am
I may think some cultures do things worse than others, but I will say universally respect for old is common
2016-05-08 12:59 am
Yes. Respecting your elders is something that is ingrained in most ppl.
2016-05-08 12:45 am
Yes, and I respect them more and more every day.
2016-05-08 12:44 am
2016-05-08 12:29 am
I am a career for the elderly and have so much respect for them, you build up this strong connection with them and i even class some of them as my friend, i love my job and what i do !
2016-05-08 12:28 am
2016-05-07 11:46 pm
2016-05-07 11:38 pm
Them being old doesn't mean they warrant respect automatically. There are some older people who are a**holes. Now to the ones that are respectable themselves, I show respect to them. You get what you put out. No matter if you're old, or young.
2016-05-07 11:33 pm
as long as respect is returned
2016-05-07 11:25 pm
2016-05-07 11:21 pm
Of course not. They're ugly and slow-minded and worst of it all -- they don't care. They don't deserve respect.
2016-05-07 11:21 pm
yes i do they should be respected
2016-05-07 11:10 pm
You bet. If they give me good cat nip I respect anyone. Meow!
2016-05-07 11:05 pm
2016-05-07 11:02 pm
2016-05-07 10:55 pm
2016-05-07 10:50 pm
Of course why wouldn't you
2016-05-07 10:46 pm
not always
2016-05-07 10:46 pm
Only for conservativez
2016-05-07 10:45 pm
It doesn't matter what age you are, if your an *** then your an ***.
2016-05-07 10:44 pm
Only really old people, or people I meet
2016-05-07 10:43 pm
yes .. I give them time...
2016-05-07 10:32 pm
2016-05-07 10:25 pm
2016-05-07 10:20 pm
2016-05-07 10:18 pm
I think this is unfair because saying old people middleaged people and young people is stupid everyone is different and i dont know two old people who behave the same.....
參考: Worked in a old peoples home and worked as private carer (and im only 23 :) )
2016-05-07 10:09 pm
Yes, I respect iolder people. I AM "older people". ; )
2016-05-07 9:57 pm
If it wasn't for them we wouldn't be here.
2016-05-07 9:54 pm
2016-05-07 9:44 pm
um yeah I guess
2016-05-07 9:44 pm
Yes, you have to. They were once young and one day you will be old. I'm sure you dont want to get disrespected.
2016-05-07 9:43 pm
I don t care what age a person is. I treat everyone equally. If they re rude to me I won t respect them vice Versa
2016-05-07 9:30 pm
Yes even though i am not even old yet for another 43 years old age begins at 70 for women and 75 for men middle age begins at 55 the life span is 85 for men and 90 for women
2016-05-07 9:11 pm
I respect all
2016-05-07 9:00 pm
2016-05-07 8:54 pm
2016-05-07 8:52 pm
Yes, I do. I'm one of them myself.
2016-05-07 8:45 pm
Only if they respect me. Otherwise, f**k them!
2016-05-07 8:38 pm
Yes, they are full of wisdom and good character.
2016-05-07 8:32 pm
I have respect for everybody if u deserve it
2016-05-07 8:30 pm
Only if they respect me as well
2016-05-07 8:25 pm
Depends on the person.
2016-05-07 8:04 pm
2016-05-07 8:02 pm
yes , I love them & Respect They
2016-05-07 8:00 pm
When they respect me
2016-05-07 7:44 pm
I do really respect them and what they have been going through, like they always know alot of stuff, and what they say I always find 'em interesting.
2016-05-07 7:25 pm
It's dependant on whether they respect me.
2016-05-07 7:24 pm
2016-05-07 7:18 pm
I respect everyone, until they disrespect me. Age is irrevilent unless it's a child.
參考: Life
2016-05-07 7:11 pm
yes always respected older people because one day you gonna be older
2016-05-07 7:02 pm
No, because a lot of older people can be just as bad as young people; opinionated, entitled, feel they are allowed to do what they like and nobody should say anything.
2016-05-07 6:34 pm
Yep, very much so
2016-05-07 6:11 pm
2016-05-07 6:04 pm
Yes, generally, unless they behave in a manner that doesn't deserve respect
2016-05-07 5:49 pm
only if they deserve respect
2016-05-07 5:40 pm
Yes you should also respect elders!
Keep in mind your also going to be elder in future
2016-05-07 5:34 pm
2016-05-07 5:28 pm
They have the wisdom. I respect anyone until they give me a reason not to
2016-05-07 4:50 pm
Yes, just like I respect younger people.
2016-05-07 4:31 pm
2016-05-07 4:29 pm
2016-05-07 4:17 pm
I do not look down on someone just because they're older than me. I respect anyone who deserves it regardless of age.
2016-05-07 4:13 pm
Yeah, I respect elders, at least for the most part.

If I see benjamin netanyahu in the streets, or donald trump, I will NOT hold my hand back from slapping them. Well, except for the fact that I might get arrested.
2016-05-07 3:56 pm
2016-05-07 3:53 pm
2016-05-07 3:25 pm
2016-05-07 3:06 pm
2016-05-07 2:47 pm
Yes, i do
2016-05-07 2:32 pm
Yes I do
2016-05-07 2:29 pm
2016-05-07 2:26 pm
Respect is not automatic, age is no excuse for getting away with nastiness and bad behavior.
2016-05-07 2:17 pm
Yes, they made it to that age which isnt easy. Father time is chasing all of us, and many here reading this will not make it to old age.
2016-05-07 1:17 pm
If they're respectful to me then yes, if they're rude then no. Age shouldn't be an excuse to be rude for no reason
2016-05-07 1:17 pm
Yes, I usually respect older people. But some are impolite but I don't let them get to me. Because we can't let other people's behavior rule ours. So even though they are impolite, I respect them. An example is my grandmother, she is rude often but I always respect and love her!!
2016-05-07 1:16 pm
I generally respect everyone regardless of age. Unfortunately, many people will rapidly give you a reason to stop respecting them.
2016-05-07 1:15 pm
yes :)
2016-05-07 1:11 pm
I respect everybody.
2016-05-07 12:47 pm
I respect every creature
2016-05-07 12:06 pm
I would not to tell lie yes i respect so much because once a day we will go at the same age.
2016-05-07 11:40 am
Yes obvs
2016-05-07 11:01 am
Yes only sumbags dont
2016-05-07 9:57 am
2016-05-07 9:08 am
2016-05-07 8:39 am
Yes, I do.
2016-05-07 7:13 am
Only if they are worthy of respect.
2016-05-07 7:10 am
I respect everyone I know.
2016-05-07 6:35 am
Yeah only if they respect me
2016-05-07 6:28 am
yes it will happen to everyone
2016-05-07 5:59 am
2016-05-07 5:48 am
Well......"I resemble that remark" .....and yes I was taught to always respect my elders......
2016-05-07 4:49 am
I respect old people like The Fine Bros respect the terms and conditions of Youtube. Throw them in the closet and set it on fire.
2016-05-07 4:46 am
2016-05-07 4:38 am
Yes definitely
2016-05-07 3:52 am
I typically show everybody the same respect
2016-05-07 3:22 am
yes always I try
2016-05-07 3:03 am
2016-05-07 2:14 am
Yes I respect everybody not just people I enjoy having friendships with.
2016-05-06 11:50 pm
2016-05-06 11:10 pm
Yes, I am an older person....
2016-05-06 10:38 pm
Where appropriate.
2016-05-06 10:21 pm
Yes. I try my hardest to respect everyone.
2016-05-09 9:05 pm
I do not respect older people just because they are older than I am. I respect people who show respect to me.
2016-05-08 4:24 pm
2016-05-08 9:35 am
I respect olders
2016-05-07 4:43 pm
I respect people who respect me and who are deserving of my respect. I do try to help the elderly as much as i can though.. like if i see an elderly person struggling to do something at a store, i would help.
2016-05-07 3:16 pm
Yes, but then again I'm a teen so many people are older! :) But I try to be respectful for the elderly! :)
2016-05-07 2:00 pm
2016-05-08 12:06 pm
Yes i respect older people because they are very valuable person in our country. They sacrifice there all life for our liabality.
2016-05-07 1:07 pm
2016-05-07 4:06 am
Yes. I'm a taller than most people (6'4") but an older person who I respect can be a foot shorter than me and I feel like they are taller than me. I don't know why.
2016-05-07 7:42 am
Yes - I have always Respected Older People (OAP - Old Age pensioner).
參考: JG
2016-05-06 10:45 pm
I respect my grandparents, I do not care about other old people, they have their children, grandchildren
2016-05-06 10:20 pm
2016-05-06 10:21 pm
I respect no man!!!
2016-05-11 3:06 pm
It is a matter of common sense to respect elders. But i think not always because they can misjudge sometimes.
2016-05-11 2:35 pm
Not really, at 85 there aren't many people older that me
2016-05-10 10:09 pm
Not if they're white trash. I heard this thing on tumblr that was something like "Everyone starts off with my respect, they only lose it if they don't derseve it" but I don't know if I quoted that right
2016-05-10 6:10 pm
I doo!!
2016-05-10 3:34 am
In most cases, no.
2016-05-10 1:51 am
Yes, but they're sometimes hard to talk to.
2016-05-10 1:44 am
2016-05-10 1:34 am
Yes. Of course. Why not?
2016-05-10 1:30 am
2016-05-10 1:14 am
Not rlly.they usually don't understand what your trying to say and make you stop doing all the stuff you enjoy.
2016-05-10 12:47 am
Yes but I respect everyone until I am given reason not to.
2016-05-10 12:30 am
Yes I do
2016-05-10 12:09 am
2016-05-10 12:05 am
Yes of course I do
2016-05-09 11:47 pm
Respect is earned. I respect everyone who are respectful to me. If someone's being mean and disrespectful, I'll do the same, no matter how old or young they are.
2016-05-09 11:09 pm
Kinda have to, but they can be annoying if they talk about the good old days

"Good ol days"
2016-05-09 11:04 pm
2016-05-09 8:56 pm
I take out their life support. They are useless
2016-05-09 8:16 pm
No, I usually find they're incredibly entitled and judgmental.
2016-05-09 7:10 pm
2016-05-09 5:33 pm
2016-05-09 4:24 pm
Yes, its hard for me to disrespect an elder BUT if they're being disrespectful I will too
2016-05-09 3:25 pm
Nope they are mostly lazy and often have weird saggy skin. I only respect people who stay in shape!
2016-05-09 8:47 am
Sure. We need to respect everyone, it's the manner.
2016-05-09 6:45 am
1) Yes
2) Why in hell is this under Entertainment and Music?
2016-05-08 9:21 pm
No I don't give a **** to those old schools
2016-05-08 2:39 pm
Only, if they earn the respect.
2016-05-08 1:24 pm
It depends who I respect...
2016-05-07 9:57 pm
2016-05-07 6:48 pm
People of certain colors are more prone to punching old people with little remorse, just as their tribal kangz in their mutta laynd had slaves who they treated ruthless without mercy. This can't be due to the fact that they have smaller frontal lobes, therefore less IMPULSE CONTROL AND EMPATHY, no.. It can't be tied in directly with brain size.. and FACT, fact is king?? It has to be a BULLSHIT IDEOLOGY based on nothing but feelings and *FEAR rather than fact. Science is king.
2016-05-07 5:29 pm
2016-05-07 2:36 pm
No, old people respect me.
2016-05-07 11:23 am
2016-05-07 8:36 am
2016-05-09 1:39 am
Why is this even a question?
2016-05-07 8:32 pm
2016-05-07 4:05 am
Not really. For me, they are people who serves as an example of how not to behave .
2016-05-07 5:39 pm
define 'older'
2016-05-07 3:23 pm
Not on pornhub 😉
2016-05-07 9:13 am
2016-05-08 12:05 pm
Yes i respect older people. person even just a few years older than me at work has been here longer and likely has more experience. I don't want to break any ties by being anything less than respectful.
A person somewhat older than myself may be nearing the age of my parents. I respect them because they may remind me of my parents, whom I respect greatly.
A person somewhat older than my parents may be nearing retirement and has a life of work behind them. Their experience and knowledge may be valuable, and I should look to them as someone who built the world I live in.
A senior citizen deserves my respect because they need more support from the community, given that they are often slower, have less mobility, and are nearing the age of a grandparent, which leaves many folks thinking, "Would I want my grandparent treated this way?"

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